- Mandisa Press On 歌詞
- Mandisa
- When Im alone, when Im afraid
當我孤身一人,惶恐不安 When I had had all I can take 當我擁有了這一切 Losing my grip, I start to slip away 我失去控制,想逃之夭夭 When I can hear the voice of doubt 當我聽到質疑的聲音 Inside my head, screaming loud 在腦海環繞,聲嘶力竭 Strengthen my faith and help me say 鼓勵我代我勇敢說出 Today, today 今天,現在 I will follow, I will press on 我願跟隨,我會堅持 Even when the walk feels long 儘管感到長路漫漫 Your hands hold me together 祢雙手保護我一生 Your love is with me forever 祢慈愛伴隨我一世 Through the broken, through the victory 不管失敗,還是勝利 I will praise You through it all 無論如何我讚美祢 And run hard til the race is done 奮力奔跑永不停息 I, Im gonna press on, press on 我,我會堅持不懈,持之以恆 Im gonna press on, press on 我會勇往直前,永不後退 How many storms have I been through? 我經歷了多少狂風暴雨 How many led me right to You? 還要經歷多少能把我帶到祢身邊 Youre using the pain, 祢用那痛苦, the hardest days for my good, my good 還有艱辛來試探我,鍛煉我 So what do I fear, God, You are with me 所以我不必擔心害怕,神啊,祢與我同在 Guiding my steps today 今天起就帶領我 Through the mountains, valleys, sun and rain 越過高峰,穿過低谷,日曬雨淋 Lord lead the way, lead the way 主祢引導道路,引領前進 I will follow, I will press on 我願跟隨,我會挺進 Even when the walk feels long 儘管感到長路漫漫 Your hands hold me together 祢雙手保護我一生 Your love is with me forever 祢慈愛伴隨我一世 Through the broken, through the victory 不管失敗,還是勝利 I will praise You through it all 無論如何我讚美祢 And run hard til the race is done 奮力奔跑永不停息 I, Im gonna press on, press on 我,我會不屈不撓,昂首闊步 One step in front of the other 一步接著一步 No looking back, no looking back 絕不退縮,永不後退 One step in front of the other 一步接著一步 Im gonna press on, Im gonna press on 我會排除萬難,我會再接再厲 One step in front of the other 一步接著一步 No looking back, no looking back 義無返顧,一往無前 One step in front of the other 一步接著一步 I will follow, I will press on 我願跟隨,我會挺進 Even when the walk feels long 儘管感到長路漫漫 Your hands hold me together 祢雙手保護我一生 Your love is with me forever 祢慈愛伴隨我一世 Through the broken, through the victory 不管失敗,還是勝利 I will praise You through it all 無論如何我讚美祢 And run hard til the race is done 奮力奔跑永不停息 I , Im gonna press on, press on 我,我會堅持不懈,持之以恆 Im gonna press on, Im gonna press on 我會勇往直前,我會高歌猛進 Im gonna press on, press on 我會奮力向前,無所畏懼 Im gonna press on, Im gonna press on 我會排除萬難,我會再接再厲 Im gonna press on, press on 我會不屈不撓,昂首闊步 One step in front of the other 一步接著一步 No looking back, no looking back 絕不退縮,永不後退 One step in front of the other 一步接著一步 Im gonna press on, Im gonna press on 我要堅持下去,我永遠不放棄