- Jem You Will Make It 歌詞
- Jem
- go to bed, everything's alright
躺倒在床上一切都已經處理好 don't know the whole world's changing 渾然未覺這世界已悄然改變 as you sleep through the night 在你睡過去的這個夜晚
緩緩轉醒面對一個完全不同的世界 wake up slowly and it's a different world 得知那消息悲傷像洪水一般將你吞沒
尖叫(試圖逃離) 但徒勞 hear the news and the floods begin 心累得分崩離析成不可尋的碎片 screams so loud but only felt within 我感到你的痛苦我為你寫了這首歌
你會撐過去的你會(安然)度過這一切的 heart is shattered the pieces can't be found 我保證他也希望你可以
數月過去依然在恍惚中 I feel your pain, I wrote this song for you, for you 不知道在最後的七天裡做了什麼?
靈魂麻木生命似夢 you'll make it, you'll make it through 面對伸出的援手卻推拒 I promise you he would want you too 他們怎麼會懂得你的無法言說的痛苦 months go by, still living in a daze 拒絕將心的傷口癒合因為那樣意味著將你忘卻
我感到你的痛苦我為你寫了這首歌 don't know what you've done with the last seven days 你會撐過去的你會度過這段黯淡的日子
我保證她也希望你可以 soul is numb and life is like a dream 一日陽光恰好照在那張照片上你看見微笑 helping hands but you push them away 那些回憶在心間身畔飛舞你微笑 how could they understand don't wanna share your pain 你不再孤身一人你不在痛苦 afraid to heal 'cause that would mean goodbye ha 就像那些他們忽略的星辰 I feel your pain, I wrote this song for you, for you 他們向你低語你仍然你仍然你仍然
你仍然活著 you'll make it, you'll make it through 我感受到你的痛苦我為你寫了這首歌 I promise you she would want you too 你會撐過去的你會度過這段無光的隧道
我保證他們也想你 one day sunlight hits a photograph, and it makes you smile 請不要佇立在我的墓前
低聲啜泣 the memories dance around you now, and they make you smile 我不在這兒我沒有沉睡
我是那呼嘯而過的風 you're not alone you'll neverpain 我是雪野裡閃耀的光芒 just like the stars they oversee 我是照耀在成熟麥穗上的陽光
我是輕柔的秋雨 they whisper to you, you're still, you're still , you're still 當你在清晨的寂靜中醒來 you're still alive .ha 我是那奮力振翅俯衝的雨燕 I feel your pain, I wrote this song for you, for you 寂靜的鳥兒成群在天空盤亙
我是那天空中柔軟閃耀的星 you'll make it, you'll make it through 請不要佇立在我的墓前
低聲啜泣 I promise you they would want you too
Do not stand at my Grave and weep I am not there I do not sleep I am a thousand winds that blow I am the diamond glints on snow I am the sun on ripened grain I am the gentle autumn rain
When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight
I am the soft stars that shine at night
Do not stand at my grave and cry
I am not there I did not die