- PEATLE Words of the world 歌詞
- YELLOW BOY 我從東亞起飛
跟你抽同樣的菸有相同的氣味 聽同樣的歌這習慣就像慣竊 可能不同國籍你我同樣關切 你說我沒有錢像個流浪者 其實我想待著就這樣流浪著 貧窮的心靈我看過太多 他們每天驚醒總等遇到再說 my word save my * life i am chinky but i dont be a * lier 不靠說謊所以講話沒情趣 這不算嚴謹是抱歉我沒興趣 不同膚色不同語言不同文字 我選擇不同表達方式從歌詞附加情緒 hope u respect 不多良言金句 請謝謝對不起我還有這三句 Yeah They said I'm never gonna be Broke chink You ain 't ever gonna be rich Could give a Hands up Feel this real spit I'ma grind out til these muh' speechless Talk that like every single day I 'ma talk that til the world know my name 降落地點未定目標世界中心 傳遞訊息MAYBE 紐約或東京 當他們向我問好已不再是夢境 帶著憧憬夾帶衝勁我深信 i show my pride when we talk 這是我帶來的禮物還請你接受 尊重或是禮節不管大或小的細節 如果你也喜歡請聆聽我的道謝 i show my pride when i talk come on put u hands up put u hands up put u hands up i show my pride when i talk come on put u hands up put u hands up put u hands up i show my pride when i talk come on put u hands up put u hands up put u hands up i show my pride when i talk come on put u hands up put u hands up put u hands up Yeah They said I'm never gonna be Broke chink You ain't ever gonna be rich Could give a Hands up Feel this real spit I'ma grind out til these muh' speechless Talk that like every single day I'ma talk that til the world know my name