- Ian Axel This Is the New Year 歌詞
- Ian Axel
- Another year you made a promise
去年你許下了一個承諾 Another chance to turn it all around 現在就是你扭轉乾坤的機會 And do not save this for tomorrow 別把所有事情都推到明日 Embrace the past and you can live for now 擁抱過去,你才能活在當下 And I will give the world to you 我會把全世界都獻給你 Speak louder than the words before you 大聲質疑那些強加在你身上的無妄之辭 And give them meaning no one else has found 賦予他們無人能解的意義 The role we play is so important 我們都是世界重要的一環 We are the voices of the underground 我們是地下世界的有力聲音 And I will give the world to you 我會把全世界都獻給你 Say everything youve always wanted 對於你心裡所想的事情暢所欲言 Be not afraid of who you really are 別去害怕面對真實的自己 Cause in the end we have each other 因為我們會陪伴彼此走到世界盡頭 And thats at least one thing worth living for 那是我們賴以生存的一個理由 And I will give the world to you 我會把全世界都獻給你 A million suns that shine upon me 萬千暖陽照耀著我 A million eyes you are the brightest blue 千萬眼眸中,你是最閃亮的一抹藍 Lets tear the walls down that divide us 用力推倒分割我們的高牆 And build a statue strong enough for two 建立起屬於彼此的堅強雕塑 I pass it back to you 我把這份心情託付於你 And I will wait for you 我也會一直等待你 Cause I would give the world 因為我要給你全世界 And I would give the world 這個五彩斑斕的世界 And I would give the world to you 我要把整個世界,雙手呈上給你 This is the new year 這是新的一年 A new beginning 一個新的開始 You made a promise 你許下了承諾 You are the brightest 你是人群中最閃亮的星 We are the voices 我們擲地有聲地宣告 This is the new year 這是新的一年 We are the voices 我們高聲宣告 This is the new year 新年快樂~~