- Fiki 12 歌詞
- Fiki
- 編曲:Pacific
baby what you name baby what you name tell me who i am (小可愛告訴我你的名字) you don't understand someone talk to you (你不用管別人怎麼談論你) there is denstiny Magic and mystery (命中註定的神秘魔力) Can you follow me (你就該跟我在一起) i think i can be i will try to change (我想我會嘗試點變化) i think i can be let you call to me (比如讓你主動打給我) you make me crazy (你讓我欲罷不能) you make me worry (你讓我牽腸掛肚) You make me jealous (你讓我爭風吃醋) You make me to stay (你讓我進退兩難) you don't care about me Only once will do (不被你放在心上一次就夠了) I'm not like a Wolf (我不像狼(能無所畏懼)) i should how to do (我該何去何從) you can choose to be you were right for me (你可以選擇成為我的真命天子) all is i dont need Money or profit (除了你任何利益我都不要) you don't care about me Only once will do (不被你放在心上一次就夠了) I'm not like a Wolf (我不像狼(能無所畏懼)) i should how to do (我該何去何從) you can choose to be you were right for me (你可以選擇成為我最適合的另一半) looking for some peace (尋找一些平靜也罷) give you my Rolex (把我的勞力士給你) baby what you name baby what you name tell me who i am (小可愛告訴我你的名字) you don't understand someone talk to you (你不用管別人怎麼討論你) there is denstiny Magic and mystery (這是命中註定的神秘魔力) Can you follow me (你就該跟我在一起) I am in fantasy let your take me home (我在幻想你能送我回家) I am in fantasy the way for too long (也幻想這條路能長一點) I will cross to you (我會和你如影隨形) I will smile on you (我會對你笑靨如花) I won't forget you (我會把你銘記於心) I will stay with you (我會對你寸步不離) No matter what you are (不介意未知的你) let me show you love (你讓我情有獨鍾) You are the dream I don't (你是我遙不可及的夢) want to wake up from (也想過離開這個夢境) running i can't stop (但我無法停止) i don't care how far (不顧前路漫漫) always want to more (仍有一絲希冀) and we fear to lose (哪怕求而不得) No matter what you are (不介意未知的你) let me show you love (你讓我情有獨鍾) You are the dream I don't (你是我遙不可及的夢) want to wake up from (也想過離開這個夢境) running i can't stop (但我無法停止) i don't care how far (不顧前路漫漫) always want to more (仍有一絲希冀) I don't give a care (哪怕求而不得)
黑化了ಥ_ಥ baby tell me,I'm not your honey (你說我不是你的類型) So you don't have to forgive (所以就當我腦抽了吧) I was ready to see it (我會自我反省的) how can be (看看原因(這麼執迷不悟)) alright alright i don't think too much (拉倒吧我不想費這個勁了) Even if you never call phone to me (反正你也沒給我打過半個電話) Let's find a happy medium (那就找個折中的法子) i know This doesn't fix the fking problem (我清楚這tm也並不能解決任何問題) I won't mention your name (我不會再提你半句了) I won't mention your name (我也不會管你死活了) I have nothing to say (我懶得bb了) You 're not in my way (大路朝天各走一邊)