- M. Ward Story Of An Artist 歌詞
- M. Ward
- Listen up and I'll tell a story
豎耳聽我要給你講個故事 About an artist growing old 關於一位藝術家走過的路的故事 Some would try for fame and glory 有些人為名利鞍前馬後 Others aren't so bold 而其他人卻不會如此莽撞 Everyone, friends and family 每個人,摯友與家人(下一行並不指Everyone是被行使者,而是作為行使者出現) Saying 'Hey! Get a job!' 都在說著“嘿!去找份工作!” 'Why do you only do that only?'“ 「為什麼你只會千篇一律?」 'Why are you so odd?'“ 「為什麼你如此標新立異?」 'We don't really like what you do.'“ 「我們不太喜歡你現在做的」 'We don't think anyone ever will.'“ 「其他人也不會認同你的」 'We think you have problem,'“ 「你的精神一定有問題」(此處是嘲笑藝術家的所作所為) 'And this problem's make you ill.'“ 「你徹底瘋掉了,徹頭徹尾」
只要他還神清氣爽([原語法]藝術家在花叢中漫步) The artist walks among the flowers 這位藝術家總會在花園漫步([原語法]享受太陽的光芒) Appreciating the sun 去享受太陽撒下的溫暖光芒([原語法]他總是會出去逛逛,只要他還神清氣爽) He out there all his waking hours 哈,誰敢說他做錯了 Oh, and who's to say he's wrong 但他卻是孤標傲世(孤標傲世更體現出artist被世人不理解) But the artist walks alone 有人在他背後評頭論足 And someone says behind his back 「他是有什麼難言之隱,所以才這樣高傲」([原語法]他是有什麼傷痛,才這樣稱呼他自己) 'He's got some gall to call himself that 「他甚至不知道他身在何方」(在這裡可能是嘲笑藝術家的身世,但不清楚,此處按原譯翻譯) He doesn't even know where he's at' 議論者們在電視機前 And they sit in the front of their TV 叫囂著: “難道這不有趣嗎? ” Saying Hey isn't this a lot of fun 他們這樣嘲笑著藝術家 And they laugh at the artist 他連樂趣都不知如何找到 Saying He don't know how to have fun 認真聽吧,我要給你講個故事。
那是一個藝術家走過的一生。 Listen up and I'll tell you a story 有些人,為名利不惜一切 About an artist growing old 還有一些人,他們用一雙慧眼靜靜觀察著這美妙的世界。 Some would try for fame and glory 嗒嗒嗒.... Othe人生, like to watch this world<比如><比如>DA-大-大-大-大-大-大....<比如>