- The Pancakes june and july 歌詞
- The Pancakes
- i know two girls june and july
they are twins and to me they look exactly the same i can't tell them apart
i know two months june and july june is in front of july which is after june i can't tell them apart
june and july it's a matter of time after june and july everything will be fine
i know two words june and july june is “Juni” july's “Juli” in the german world i can't tell them apart
i know two songs june and july june is like this - july's like this - “this” and “this” are the same i can't tell them apart june and july it's a matter of time after june and july everything will be fine that is why i wrote these lines
how can i tell them apart ?
june and july it's a matter of time after june and july everything will be fine but every day i wonder why
The Pancakes
1,2,3,4,5,6, cheese!
- The Pancakes
> Flying In The Blue Sky On A Frying Pan
> 麥兜響噹噹 電影原聲大碟
> 孩子
> 獨立女皇
> 兩個人總比一個人好
> pancakes can panick
> 腦殘遊記
> 1,2,3,4,5,6, cheese!
> 藍的天
> 其他歌曲