- ATB these days 歌詞
- Let's take the long way home tonight
我們今晚就踏上歸途 Just cruise along the boulevards 漫步在林蔭大道
讓我們閃亮起來,我們就是這條街最靚的仔 Let's shine a little, we're the street lights 幻想我們身處火星
我們追隨星光前行 And dream ourselves away to Mars 或許我們該坐地鐵回家了
這些歲月只屬於我 Let's follow all the stars above 我會慢慢品味
像極了平靜的水流 Or maybe take the subway home 我隨波逐流
這就是所有我了解的 These days are mine 所以讓我們踏上歸途
放縱感情想哭,就哭出來 And I'm gonna take it slow 想笑就盡力笑出來
讓我們享受這便捷的舒適 Like the peaceful waters flow 尋找內心深處的寂靜
片刻停留,從容不迫 I'll make it up as I go 若這是你想征服的
讓我們麻利兒溜吧 That's all I really know 在它開始前苟延殘喘
這些難忘的歲月只屬於我一人 So let's take the long way home 我會細細斟酌,慢慢回味
好比那柔和的溪流 Let's cry a little if we wanna 且行且看,隨遇而安
這就是我懂得全部 Or laugh out loud the best we can 既如此,我們就踏上歸途
這些日子只有我懂 Let's meet the comfort of convenience 我會視若珍寶
像這平靜流水 And search a silence deep within 得過且過,與世無爭
這就是我所懂得的道理 Let's stay a while and take it easy 所以讓我們踏上歸途吧
細細揣摩,字字斟酌 If that's something you can overcome 就像這綿延的溪流
這就是我所了解的全部 Let's take a minute just to slip away 所以,讓我們踏上歸途
And linger on before it's gone
These days are mine
And I'm gonna take it slow
Like the peaceful waters flow
I'll make it up as I go
That's all I really know
So let's take the long way home
These days are mine
And I'm gonna take it slow
Like the peaceful waters flow
I'll make it up as I go
That's all I really know
So let's take the long way home
And I'm gonna take it slow
Like the peaceful waters flow
And that's all I really know
So let's take the long way home