- A-Mac 與世界為敵 歌詞
- A-Mac
- 編曲:赫連長泓
Spencer All shall bow before me! O ye' loath the day that one encounters the likes of me on the battlefield! Haha! Get your swords ready warriors! We shall be victorious! They call me Spartacus I come with the hardest hits And my armor is Harder than your whole army is See me on the battleground And you'll see just what flawless is They had me shackled down But I broke out and took the whole town Going for the kingdom now Give the new king his crown I'll set fire to your empire No squire! Rather war activator, gladiator! Stronger than you! Much much greater! 黎智堅措: What? No matter who u are! I don't care man Listen! 千軍萬馬在我的身後 鐵騎西進征服中亞東歐 你的戰術早已被我看透 叫我成吉思汗陛下Just show 斯巴達克斯I don't care 彎刀複合弓對你No share 鐵骨朵一刀斬洋人fear 我化身草原戰神團滅你們叫我Dear Spencer: Just like my rank My flow is five stars The general coming at ya Spitting live bars I ride in my tank Get my cruise on Leave y'all defeated Like in Luzon Victory repeated Y'all can lose on Now Look who's got bombs On his submarines From the Philippines to the Japanese seas None can come between And from east to west Ain't no test I'm the best I make Rommel look like *********** Ronald McDonald And Napoleon,yeah, like Rosie O'Donnell Oppose me and your Whole army will topple MacArthur can't stop 黎智堅措: 倭寇大軍站在我的對面Yah 我大戚家軍根本不屑Yah 放馬過來把你踢回國界Yah 我給你一場Diss Like 韓信Yah 這場戰鬥我不可能錯過 抗擊倭寇軍隊大戰台州 別怪我別怪我別怪我 我的戰隊裡從來沒有慫貨 要出擊必定贏佔領地做皇帝 別躲避沒出息拿破崙算個屁 等不及我下令衝上去搞定你 要生存就得乾同胞們聯合力 Ya ya ya ya Spencer: so you think you're a big shot? You think you're hot? Show me what you got! A-MAC: Hold on… Hold on… A-MAC: 面對世界戰爭與革命 中國人永遠愛好和平 世人皆知不用過多聲明尊重每個生命 保持低調個性邪惡勢力面目猙獰 別逼我敲響戰士們戰爭的戰鈴 管你是二戰的麥克阿瑟還是羅馬的斯巴達克斯 讓我用反間計將你們兵力透支見面就是撕 看我用空城計攻心計投石器布兵力 岳飛韓信諸葛孫臏曹操項羽周郎赤壁猛力打擊讓你喘不過氣 犯我中華雖遠必誅攻我必輸何必白費功夫 不服就開戰惹我就是災難打開《劍與家園》遊戲裡面開幹 諾爾大陸選擇國家種族背景和人物刺激腎上腺素 也可以和我結盟風雨同行共同協防有困難互相借兵 在奇幻的戰爭世界創造自己的故事別太固執別太物質 勇敢地去探索迷霧邁開步子開拓路子輸送物資 在魔法大陸裡出事一起扛有福一起抽寶箱 掌控國家命運小心叛黨有種一決雌雄在史詩戰場 和朋友一起與世界為敵,let take on the world just me and my team 和朋友一起與世界為敵帶兄弟情義得戰役勝利 和朋友一起與世界為敵,come with me, just follow my lead 和朋友一起與世界為敵拿出手機下載遊戲 製作人:赫連長泓 錄音/後期製作:HZ Studio