- The Smashing Pumpkins Spaced 歌詞
- The Smashing Pumpkins
- Dead...
死亡... Dead... 死亡... Was I ever alive? 我還活著嗎? ****ing makes you alive in one minute 你TM還勉強能活一分鐘呢 Solctice 將死 I am solctice filled with mercury 我現在是灌滿水銀的將死之人 Liquid ****ed 這該死的液體 See right through your heart 我看透你的心境 See right through your heart,* *** your heart 我現在看透了歹毒的你 I am mercury liquid pure 我的身體化作汞 Hot,alive,dead,mucked fish eyes,doe eys 滾燙活潑死沉骯髒的魚眼漲紅的眼睛 I was born alive 我生不如死 I'll ****ing kill you 現在要把你宰了 I'll beat your soft baby head with my own hand 我要用手痛擊你的小腦殼 Careful with that baby... 小心那個孩子 Don't ever say the H word around him 別對他說“H”的詞 Ashamed,I am ashamed of my name,say it 我的名字真是可恥 I hate the sound of your s* *t because it means no good 我厭惡你惡臭的聲音 It means cheap,liar,smartass piece of s**t 它代表著低賤欺騙你的臭臭 Change it to raygun you **** 管好自己吧 Billy is the loon Billy是個瘋子 I am the loon,I am mars 我也是瘋子來自外星 Billy addly... Billy更接近了 Your name causes **** 你的名字就是個垃圾 While I may be no expert on this reality. 可能我對現實不滿 There is no god,but shame. 沒有上天只有恥辱 God is hurt,god is cold. 上天受苦受凍 Try that once,god is dead. 繼續吧上天死了 There is not another one battle 不會再有下一個人 Cold heart radio 毫無感情的電台 Feedback,the pain 痛苦變本加厲 Recurring messages of badness 惡性循環 Recurring living bad dreams at the vortex of lost souls 在迷失的無底洞裡充斥噩夢 Wailing lost souls of shame 以慟哭來掙脫羞愧的靈魂 We are in one hole 我們是同一個境地 Like a cup of mercury phosphate 就像一杯磷酸汞 Shuddering around 打顫 Taste my s**t you wench 來嚐嚐我的好東西 Lifting,wailing lost souls who stand a chance 哀悼那些靈魂平安升天 Hot,my eyes darkly gaze and wonder 炙熱我空洞的雙目帶著好奇緊盯著 Do not enter.Why? 別跟隨其中為啥呀? I was born whole 我生來完好無缺 Fractured,divided,shattered into a billion fragments 粉碎成幾十億塊碎片 A million piece puzzle 千百萬的謎團 A million piece jigsaw puzzle with no face and no head... 在這謎團裡誰也無法解脫