- Goldfrapp Thea 歌詞
- Goldfrapp
- Across a starless sky
穿越星光寥落的暗夜 It cuts like tiny knives 如細碎的刀刃般切割著肌膚 Rain beating down 暴雨如注 Rain beating down 傾盆而下 Blunt uneasy glares 呆滯不安地怒目相向 Theyve nothing on you or me yet 他們對你我仍一無所知 Nights have alone 這裡的夜晚如此孤獨 Nights here are cursed 這裡的夜晚籠罩著不祥的氛圍 Theres wild in your eyes oh Thea 西婭,你的眼眸中散發著狂熱的氣息 Theres a light theres a feeling 光芒閃爍,某種悸動悄然而至 Its cruel and its dark in this town 殘酷無情的黑暗佔領著這座城鎮 Are they mad were we dreaming 是人們陷入瘋狂,還是我們身處夢境 Tender and town 這座城的溫柔撫慰 Wont leave you now 暫時不會離你而去 Wanted you so bad 如飢似渴地企盼著你 I feel like Im caught with no air 感覺就像窒息在真空之中 Wanted you gone 希望你趕緊離開 Wanted you there 又希望你留在這裡 Theres wild in your eyes, theres a light 你的眼眸中散發著著狂熱的光芒 Oh Thea theres a feeling 西婭,某種悸動悄然而至 Its cruel and its dark in this town 殘酷無情的黑暗佔領著這座城鎮 Are they mad were we dreaming 是人們陷入瘋狂,還是我們身處夢境 Tender torn sundown on Isthmus 落日餘暉被地峽輕柔地撕成碎片 Its all for you oh hungry moon 一切都是為你,慾望之月 Its a long long night of waiting 長夜淒苦,無休無止的等待 All for you oh hungry moon 都是為你,慾望之月 Tender torn sundown on Isthmus 地峽之上,溫柔的暮色斑駁破碎 All for you oh hungry moon 都是為你,慾望之月 Its a long long night of waiting 長夜淒苦,無休無止的等待 I want you there I want you gone 請你留下,請你離開