- The National Day I Die 歌詞
- The National
你沒那麼重要,你不是必不可少 I dont need you, I dont need you 反正好長時間沒見過你了 Besides I barely ever see you anymore 但總是能感覺到你就在身邊 And when I do it feels youre only halfway there 已婚婦人們都青睞我 Young mothers love me even ghosts of 來自克利夫蘭的舊情人依舊縈繞我心懷 Girlfriends call from Cleveland 記憶無時無刻如影隨形 They will meet me anytime and anywhere 我將離世的那天我將離世的那天
我們會身處何處呢? The day I die, the day I die 我將離世的那天 我將離世的那天 Where will we be? 我們會身處何處呢? The day I die, the day I die 別這樣,別這樣對待自己 Where will we be? 別指望我會樂於其中
因為我已經沒有勇氣調小耳朵裡面的音量 Dont do this, I dont do this to you 多年來每當在走廊碰到你暢所欲言時 Dont expect me to enjoy it 我便會埋頭於音響的聲音中 Cause I really dont have the courage not to turn the volume up inside my ears 我將離世的那天我將離世的那天 For years I used to put my head inside the speakers 我們會身處何處呢? In the hallway when you get too high and talk forever 我將離世的那天 我將離世的那天
我們會身處何處呢? The day I die, the day I die 我將離世的那天 我將離世的那天 Where will we be? 我們會身處何處呢? The day I die, the day I die 我將離世的那天 我將離世的那天 Where will we be? 我們會身處何處呢?
每次喝伏特加我都會跟我舅舅一樣頭昏眼花 The day I die, the day I die 但他沒得選必須和那些沒有任何理由就喜歡他的人打交道 Where will we be? 而我寧願一路走回家也不要待在這個紅燈綠酒的地方 The day I die, the day I die 我跟你的情人一模一樣,快出門,咱們一起私奔吧 Where will we be? 等我們嗑嗨了再審視我們自身的問題吧
等我們嗑嗨了再去看看我們父親的那些房子吧 I get a little punchy with the vodka just like my great uncle Valentine Jester did 我將離世的那天我將離世的那天 But he had to deal with those people like you who made no goddamn commonsense 我們會身處何處呢? I'd rather walk all the way home right now than to spend one more second in this place 我將離世的那天我將離世的那天 I'm exactly like you Valentine, just come outside and leave with me 我們會身處何處呢?
我將離世的那天 我將離世的那天 Lets just get high enough to see our problems 我們會身處何處呢? Let’s just get high enough to see our fathers’ houses 我將離世的那天 我將離世的那天
我們會身處何處呢? The day I die, the day I die Where will we be? The day I die, the day I die Where will we be?
The day I die , the day I die Where will we be? The day I die, the day I die Where will we be?