- 100 years: music video (album version) 歌詞 Five for Fighting
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- Five for Fighting 100 years: music video (album version) 歌詞
- Five for Fighting
曾經十五少年 I'm fifteen for a moment 徘徊於十五到二十歲之間 Caught in between ten and twenty 正是做夢年紀 And I'm just dreaming 追尋你的芳顏 Counting the ways to where you are 曾經二十二歲青年 I'm twenty two for a moment 她正在最好的年紀 She feels better than ever 我們如乾柴烈火 And we're on fire 不知天上人間 Making our way back from Mars 十五歲的你仍有大把時光 Fifteen there's still time for you 時間可以買賣,哪管貴賤 Time to buy and time to lose 沒有比十五歲更美好的歲月 Fifteen, there's never a wish better than this 當你只有人生百年 When you only got hundred years to live 曾經三十三歲而立之年 I'm thirty three for a moment 我依舊是我,但已泯然眾人 Still the man, but you see I'm of age 有個孩子學步蹣跚 A kid on the way 有個家庭常掛心間 A family on my mind 曾經四十五歲中年 I'm forty five for a moment 生活的壓力如海平線般上漲不停 The sea is high 而我在危機的風雨中飄搖 And I'm heading into a crisis 追逐生命流年 Chasing the years of my life 十五歲的你仍有大把時光 Fifteen there's still time for you 時間可以買賣,哪管貴賤 Time to buy, time to lose yourself 在熹微晨光中迷失 Within a morning star 十五歲時我們和睦融洽 Fifteen I'm all right with you 沒有比十五歲更美好的生命 Fifteen, there's never a wish better than this 當你只有人生百年 When you only got hundred years to live 一半的人生隨風而逝 Half time goes by 忽然你睿智勝往昔 Suddenly you're wise 一切不過轉瞬之間 Another blink of an eye 六十七歲已然來臨 Sixty seven is gone 生命的日頭照常上升 The sun is getting high 我們被裹挾向前 We're moving on 曾經九十九歲耄耋之年 I'm ninety nine for a moment 在生死間掙扎徘徊 Dying for just another moment 但我依舊在暢想 And I'm just dreaming 追尋你的芳顏 Counting the ways to where you are 十五歲的你仍有大把時光 Fifteen there's still time for you 二十二歲我對她依舊迷戀 Twenty two I feel her too 三十三歲的你還在路上 Thirty three you're on your way 每一天都是新的開始 Every day's a new day 十五歲的你仍有大把時光 Fifteen there's still time for you 時間可以買賣,哪管貴賤 Time to buy and time to choose 十五歲的人生!沒有什麼能比這更加美好 Hey fifteen, there's never a wish better than this 但你只有人生百年 When you only got hundred years to live