- Summer Sunshine 安定門 ADM Master 歌詞
- Summer Sunshine
- 安定門ADM Master
我想用膀胱裡的尿液澆滅這世間的野火 Want to empty my bladder to cease all the wildfire in the world 醒來之後發現世界又向我啐了一口唾沫 But after waking up only to find the world spit backward 我已懶得去想昨夜的是非對錯因果 Not interested in last night's right or wrong,reason or result 所以你現在什麼都別再對我說 So right now can you shut your mouth and say nothing more 別關心昨天誰在金鼎軒吃肉 Don't care about who was eating meat in Jindingxuan 別打聽昨晚誰在五道營挨揍 Don't ask about who was getting beaten up in Wuddaoying 愛恨情仇的理由 The reason about love and hatred 總埋藏在平行宇宙 Is always buried in parallel universe 惹事兒的煞筆自己沒事兒找罪受 Those scumbags will always have their karma coming 老是踪著那幾個半夜不回家的妞兒 Manipulating those girls wondering the streets in midnight 什麼喝多了都是掩飾自己 Too much alcohol is their fake excuse 懦弱的藉口 To hide their cowardice 你守著安定門也不會擁有安全感 Andingmen will not give you sense of security 你知道哪有敬茶哪就容易有麻煩 You know police always means trouble where they at 你的眼中寫滿了太多惴惴不安 See through your eyes there are too many uneasiness 盲從的生米煮成愚蠢的熟飯 Blind motives lead to stupid regrets 我真的替你的父親感到難堪 I really feel sorry for your father 三十多歲,可憐可悲的男子漢 Already at their thirty,what a miserable man 姦懶饞慫壞在給誰洗腦 Wicked,lazy,greedy,coward,evil,brain-washing man 傻雞蔫笨賴在捧誰的臭腳 Stupid,tricky,spiritless,clumsy,shameless,lick someones' balls man Audio Credits: 詞曲Lyrics & Composition: Summer Sunshine 夏日陽光樂隊 吉他Electric Guitar:羅霄 貝斯Bass :周金波 鼓Drums:蔡翔 和聲編寫Chorus Arrangement:沈必昂Bjorn Shen 樂器錄音師Recording Engineer:羅霄 人聲錄音師VocalRecording Engineer:吳磊 錄音室Recording Studio:虎門音樂工作室Hooman?Studio? 混音師Mixing Engineer:北口“Patch” 剛史Takashi “Patch” Kitaguchi 混音室Mixing Studio:Bazooka Studio 母帶工程師Mastering Engineer:夏侯哲ezack 母帶錄音室Mastering Studio:Zack Mini Studio 封面設計:Cover Art: 甘泉Riot29 特別感謝靈感提供Special Thanks:胡俊麟AKA Ebony Dog