- WONK heroism 歌詞
- Frustration burning out my heart
挫折感將我的心焚毀 I can hear the countdown to the fall 我可以聽到這世界傾覆的倒計時 Gradation of the shadow of fire seems like a fearless smile of death 火焰燃燒時的漸變陰影就如同那死神的桀桀笑聲 Their artificial eyes are covered by their own hands 他們用手遮住了自己的人造義眼 Can they feel the light? 他們能感覺到這熊熊火光麼? You gave me many words 你說給了我很多 You're absolutely right 一度讓我認為你就是那絕對權威 How the world moves around 比如這世界如何運轉 but stop That's good enough, right? 但別說了,現在這方式就已經足夠好了,對吧? Only I can break through their paradigm 只有我能打破他們這固化不變的模式 Walking to the end 向終點緩步走去 Even if i can never come back to you 即使我再不會向你奔來 You'll see what I do 你將會看到我 Break it Break it 打破這一切 It's gonna be OK 不會再有事的 Break it Break it Break it Break it Break it Break it It's gonna be OK 不會有事了 Break it Break it Break it Break it Formation of the ego kicks me out from the land of reality 自負的性格,把我踢出了現實的世界 Reputation kills the man and nobody cares about the capacity 名聲終將害死人,無人再在乎能力 They're always playing deaf 他們的習慣戲碼就是裝聾作啞 Listening to favorites 去聽他們喜歡聽的甜言蜜語 Can they hear the wind? 那現在的他們,還能聽到這微風徐徐嗎? I don't know how to stop 我不知道如何將這荒誕一切按下中止鍵 The light you gave me shows 你來到我身邊給予的光芒讓我看到 The world moves around 這世界正在轉動 Only I can break through their paradigm 只有我能打破他們這固化不變的模式 Walking to the end 向終點緩步走去 Even if i can never come back to you 即使我再不會向你奔來 You'll see what I do 你將會看到我去 Only I can break through their paradigm 只有我能打破他們這固化不變的模式 Walking to the end 向終點緩步走去 Even if i can never come back to you 即使我再不會向你奔來 You'll see what I do 你將會看到我 Break it Break it 打破這僵局 It's gonna be OK 一切都會回到正軌 Break it Break it Break it Break it Break it Break it It's gonna be OK 一切都將回到正軌 Break it Break it Break it Break it