- Mark Wills Looking For America 歌詞
- Mark Wills
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. 我正在追尋那時記憶 I''m chasing down a memory 這些舊物慢慢使我記起 Of the way things used to be 孩童在昏衰的路燈下玩耍 Kids playing underneath an old street light 和棲於夜空之下知心的安全感 Knowing they were safe when they laid down at night 此刻我正在尋找那些從未見過的東西 I''m looking for something I ain''t seen in a while . 我正在找一座工廠 I''m looking for a factory 裡面有個男人擔起了一個家 Where a man can feed his family 不必擔心他們會搬去南方 Not worried about them moving it south 因為明天就會關門停業了 Closing the doors and shutting her down tomorrow 我正尋找著美洲之邦 I''m looking for America . 處於自由之州和無畏之家 The land of the free and the home of the brave 但有一天我會幻想破滅, Seems like I just woke up one day 遠走高飛 And it was gone, long gone 但我的心依然滯留在那,不肯離去 But I know in my heart it''s still out there 有人能告訴我如何找回它嗎 Can somebody please tell me where 因為我嚮往美洲之邦 I''m looking for America . 我在找一個舊教堂尖塔 I''m searching for an old church steeple 在那有許多可愛的人 Where inside you''ll find people 他們無所顧慮地生活 Who live their lives unashamed 不必懼怕大聲喊出上帝之名 And they ain''t afraid to say God''s name out loud 所以我嚮往美洲之邦 Yeah I''m looking for America . 我處於自由之州和無畏之鄉 The land of the free and the home of the brave 有一天我會幻想破滅, Seems like I just woke up one day 遠走高飛 And it was gone, long gone 但我的心依然滯留在那,不肯離去 But I know in my heart it''s still out there 有人能告訴我如何找回它嗎 Can somebody please tell me where 因為我嚮往美洲之邦 I''m looking for America . 我在外遊蕩,尋找真理 I''m out here looking for the truth 我看見一些小狐狸跳躍著炫現出紅色、白色和藍色 A few folks to wave thered, white and blue 他們知曉自由標有價格 Who still believe freedom isn''t free 但自由取決於你的心 And I guess it''s up to you and me to find it 爾若心誠所至 Yeah we''ve gotta find it 終將邂逅自由 Cause we''re looking for . 我處於自由之州和無畏之地 The land of the free and the home of the brave 但有一天我會幻想破滅, Seems like I just woke up one day 遠走高飛 And it was gone, long gone 但我的心依然滯留在那,不肯離去 But I know in my heart it''s still out there 有人能告訴我如何找回它嗎 Can somebody please tell me where 我在追尋 I''m looking for 我在悵惘 I''m looking for 美洲之邦 Yeah we''re looking for America 我的心房 America ... . .