- 作詞:ZHANGYE/Nino Lucarelli
We hurt the same 生命之殤 When perfect turns to pain 旖旎化悲愴 No price can stop us falling out from grace 廣廈傾塌無盡蒼茫 Behind our eyes 視野之外 There's something left to save 有人在等 A martyr for a world up in flames 有人消散 One heart of peace 天下大和 Is all we need 吾心所向 To be released from this 盼有朝驀然夢醒 Broken dream 且破殘境 One heart of peace 天下大和 Is our relief 吾身所往 It's all we need 吾心所向 One heart of peace 天下大和 Is our relief 吾身所往 It's all we need 吾心所向 One heart of peace 天下大和 One heart of peace 天下大和 We light a flame 燃一星烽火 When love begins to fade 喚一片丹心 No fear can stop us standing at the gates 氣逾霄漢立邊陲之巔 We hold the line 拉防築線與子並肩 A promise to our time 千金一諾為盛世 Universe of life for you and I 為眾生安然 One heart of peace 天下大和 Is all we need 吾心所向 To be released from this 盼有朝驀然夢醒 Broken dream 且破殘境 One heart of peace 天下大和 Is our relief 吾身所往 It's all we need 吾心所向 One heart of peace 天下大和 Is our relief 吾身所往 It's all we need 吾心所向 One heart of peace 天下大和 One heart of peace 天下大和 One heart of peace 天下大和 One heart of peace 天下大和 Is our relief One heart of peace 天下大和