- Jim Tomlinson The Gentle Rain 歌詞
- Jim Tomlinson
- The Gentle Rain -Jim Tomlinson /Colin Oxley
We both are lost 你我都已迷失在這雨裡 And alone in the world 孤傲的屹立在雨滴之下 Walk with me 那便與我一同漫步 In the gentle rain 於這綿綿細雨之中 Don't be afraid 無需膽怯 I've a hand 只要我與你 For your hand 十指相扣 And I will be your love for a while 我們便能在此刻,成為彼此的摯愛 I feel your tears as they fall 相擁時,我感受到你那晶瑩的淚滴 On my check 從我的面龐上掠過 They are warm like gentle rain 它們是溫暖的,想那溫柔細緻的春雨 Come little one 再靠近一點 You've got me in the world 起碼這世上你還有我 And our love will be sweet 而我們的愛情定似那柔情蜜意 Very sad 苦澀 Very sweet 但讓人不禁回味 Like the gentle rain 好似那冬天的雨 Like the gentle rain 寒冷,卻潔白 I feel your tears as they roll 當我們纏綿時 On my check 我感受到你那清澈的淚滴,在我的脖子上留下痕跡 They are warm like gentle rain 它們是充滿著愛的,就像那炎日下的及時雨 Come little one 再靠近一點吧 You've got me in the world 至少這世上你還擁有我 And our love will be sweet 而我們的愛情定會甜甜蜜蜜 Very sad 像是一品好茶,甘澀 Very sweet 但卻在心中留下一縷清香 Like the gentle rain 好像那流進我心中的雨水 Like the gentle rain 好像那點綴星空的雨滴