- The Police driven to tears (live) 歌詞
- The Police
- How can you say that youre not responsible
你怎能說你責任無關 What does it have to do with me 這又與我有甚 What is my reaction 我應作何 What should it be 我能如何 Confronted by this latest atrocity 直臨這新的暴行 Driven to tears 空空落淚 Driven to tears 空空落淚 Driven to tears 空空落淚 Driven to tears 空空落淚 Hide my face in my hands, shame wells in my throat 雙手掩面,羞恥在喉中泉湧 My comfortable existence is reduced 我的存在低淺 To a shallow, meaningless party 甚至毫無意義 Seems that when some innocents die 看來無辜者的死去 All we can offer them is a page in a some magazine 只抵雜誌一頁 Too many camras and not enough food 攝像機比食物更富足 Cause this is what weve seen 這就是我們所見 Driven to tears 空空落淚 Driven to tears 空空落淚 Driven to tears 空空落淚 Driven to tears 空空落淚
徒勞的抗議 Protest is futile 議案白紙一張 Nothing seems to get through 世界會變成什麼模樣 Whats to become of our world 誰知道該做什麼 Who knows what to do 你怎能說你責任無關 How can you say that youre not responsible 這又與我有甚 What does it have to do with me 我應作何 What is my reaction 我能如何 What should it be 直臨這新的暴行 Confronted by this latest atrocity 空空落淚 Driven to tears 空空落淚 Driven to tears 空空落淚 Driven to tears 空空落淚 Driven to tears 空空落淚 Driven to tears 空空落淚 Driven to tears 空空落淚 Driven to tears