- Tony Bennett Who Cares? 歌詞
- Tony Bennett
- Let it rain and thunder,
讓雨下起來吧,讓雷打起來吧 Let a million firms go under. 讓成百上千的企業們倒閉吧 I am not concerned with 我一點也不在乎 Stocks and bonds that Ive been burned with! 那些我付之一炬的股票和債券! I love you and you love me 我愛你,你也愛我 And thats how it will always be 這份感情自當長長久久 And nothing else can ever mean a thing 其餘的事情統統不重要
誰會去在意那些閒言閒語 Who cares what the public chatters 我只需關心我們的愛情 Loves the only thing that matters 即使藍天和汪洋相撞又如何 Who cares if the sky cares to fall in the sea 即使揚克斯的銀行都破產又如何 Who cares what banks fail in Yonkers 我只求被你的香吻征服 As long as youve got a kiss that conquers? 除此之外,我還有什麼好在乎的?
人生不過是一場漫長的歡愉 Why should I care? 只要我對你關懷備至 Life is one long jubilee, 而你也對我體貼入微 So long as I care for you 除此之外,我還有什麼要關心的? And you care for me! 人生不過是一場綿延的喜悅
只需要我對你關懷備至 Why, Why should I care? 而你也對我體貼入微 Life is one long jubilee, So long as I care for you And you care for me!