- 海皮威爾 On the spree 歌詞
- 海皮威爾
- Theres things changed
眼前的一切早已踏起變化的舞步 Why would I stay the same 我也不願再固守成規 By 7:00 he was working 我誓要做出改變 The big square room running 只因我不願再像鬧鐘時針一樣無趣地轉動 So many opportunities 只有全身心投入追求歡愉 As you pursue pleasure 我們才有可能留得住機會 Get me out of the movement 我們肆意盡情地碰撞著 Set us out of the movement 誰都迫不及待想跳出這段樂句 So go to see ya maker 我們緊盯著這場混亂的始作俑者 Going out on the spree 轉身又在大街窄巷裡拋開日夜忘我狂歡 Its better than landing on the San Francisco 這簡直要比身處舊金山更令人興奮 Dont want to be a mortal 不要再故作鎮定了 Hiding in the cupboard 我知道的你不甘只作碌碌無為的普通人 Just get hopping on my elevator 快來搭上我的列車讓我們一同尋歡作樂 It is time for the lights on 炫目的燈光早已為我們準備就緒 We aint got no time to show off 我們甚至連炫耀都無法顧及 Theres things changed 眼前的一切早已踏起變化的舞步 Why would I stay the same 我也不願再固守成規 By 7:00 he was working 我誓要做出改變 The big square room running 只因我不願再像鬧鐘時針一樣無趣地轉動 So many opportunities 只有全身心投入追求歡愉 As you pursue pleasure 我們才有可能留得住機會 Get me out of the movement 我早已停不下舞動的步伐 Get me out of the movement 你也毋需再作多餘的猶豫 Set us out of the movement 就讓我們的身心盡情碰撞 Set us out of the movement 我們一齊踏出完美的舞步 Theres things changed 眼前的一切已然成了陌生的模樣 How could I stay the same 我也不願再固守成規 So go to see ya maker 我們緊盯著這場混亂的始作俑者 Going out on the spree 轉身又在大街窄巷裡拋開日夜忘我狂歡 Its better than landing on the San Francisco 這簡直要比身處舊金山更令人興奮 Dont want to be a mortal 不要再故作鎮定了 Hiding in the cupboard 我知道的你不甘只作碌碌無為的普通人 Just get hopping on my elevator 快來搭上我的列車讓我們一同尋歡作樂 It is time for the lights on 炫目的燈光早已為我們準備就緒 We aint got no time to show off 我們甚至連炫耀都無法顧及 We gonna find somewhere we could put the ****s in the bloody fight 現在我們要引導事物走上順應世界規律的軌道 Someone here was staring at you 不要再做多餘的動作我們早就被不懷好意的人盯上了 All you need just a damn mess controled by meanings objectives 你需要裝進口袋裡的僅僅是夾藏於意義與目的之中的混沌之物 We here ready to pay them a big good price 我們即將為曾經的敵人摯友與那段光陰 Enemys friends good golden days 送上我們準備已久的驚喜 Whose word that was saying 是誰總在說著 The more things change the more they stay the same 事物越是變化莫測它們就越有可能保持不變 So go to see ya maker 我們緊盯著這場混亂的始作俑者 Going out on the spree 轉身又在大街窄巷裡拋開日夜忘我狂歡 Its better than landing on the San Francisco 這簡直要比身處舊金山更令人興奮 Dont want to be a mortal 不要故作鎮定了 Hiding in the cupboard 我知道的你不甘只作碌碌無為的普通人 Just get hopping on my elevator 快來搭上我的列車讓我們一同尋歡作樂 It is time for the lights on 炫目的燈光早已為我們準備就緒 We aint got no time to show off 我們今夜只需卸下行囊盡情狂歡