- Carly Simon You're So Vain 歌詞
- Carly Simon
- you walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht
你緩緩步入這個舞會,彷彿是登上一艘遊艇 your hat strategically dipped below one eye 刻意拉低帽沿只為藏匿你飄忽不定的目光 your scarf it was apricot 而你明麗鮮亮的杏黃披肩又那麼惹人遐想 you had one eye on the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte 步履匆匆於嘉禾舞曲間,目光悄悄落在鏡中暗自欣賞 and all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner 所有女孩都對你趨之若鶩 they'd be your partner, and... 渴慕成為你的舞伴 you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you 但是你如此自傲,你幾乎覺得這首歌是為你而寫 you're so vain, i'll bet you think this song is about you 你自我感覺如此良好,我打賭你已確信這歌是為你而作 don't you? don't you? 不是嗎?難道不是? you had me several years ago when i was still quite naive 多年前,我情竇初開 well you said that we made such a pretty pair 你曾告訴我,我們是令人羨艷的一對兒 and that you would never leave 你永不會離去 but you gave away the things you loved and one of them was me 但你終究還是厭棄了某些你曾百般珍愛的東西 i had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee clouds in my coffee, and... 很不幸,我就是其中之一 i had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee 我曾經滿懷的憧憬與夢想,原來只如咖啡上飄渺的熱氣般虛幻無力,稍縱即逝 well i hear you went up to saratoga and your horse naturally won 我傾注了所有的夢想,不過是一團任人輕輕吹散的咖啡上的霧氣,轉眼間支離破碎 then you flew your lear jet up to nova scotia 我聽說後來你去了薩拉託加(美國東部一個以賽馬聞名的縣),那麼你的馬自然是無可匹敵吧 to see the total eclipse of the sun 然後你還乘著專屬奢華噴氣機去了新斯科舍(加拿大省名,拉丁語意為'新蘇格蘭') well you're where you should be all the time 去欣賞一場偉大的日食 and when you're not you 're with 你總是恰到好處地在你應該出現的地方現身 some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend wife of a close friend, and... 在你不該出現的地方你卻也顯得游刃有餘