- Ainur the firstborn 歌詞
- Ainur
- They awoke in the days of twilight
他們在微光的年歲中醒來 In a world that did not know the sun 在那阿納尚未升起的世界上 Looking up at the starlit heaven 帶著新生的微笑 With the smile of new-opened lives 仰望星光閃耀的穹蒼 Earth was theirs, the pasture of their wonder 這片樂土是他們的家園,廣闊的牧場令他們驚喜 The wide field of soft songs in the air 遼闊的平原上迴盪著甜美的歌兒 Names for things and the first glimpse of knowledge 他們為事物命名,智慧的火花開始閃現 By the watery mirror of the sky 在明亮如水的天穹之下 Unforeseen, primroses in winter 倏忽間,報春花自冬日盛放 Marvellous, miracles of time 多麼美妙啊,這時間的奇蹟
自從第一次看到他們,我的思想就完全被他們佔據 I saw them and forgot my own mind 他們是全新的,他們的美裝點了這世界 They were new, their beauty filled the world 這美麗的世界是他們的,看到牧場時的他們眼中蕩漾著歡欣 And Earth was theirs, the pasture of their wonder 他們甜美的民歌飄蕩在曠遠的平原之上 The wide field of soft songs in the air 他們呼喊萬事萬物的名字,智慧的靈光蘊藏在他們的話語中 Names for things and the first glimpse of knowledge 在明淨如水的天穹之下 By the watery mirror of the sky 突然之間,報春花自寒冷的大地萌發 Unforeseen, primroses in winter 多麼美妙啊,這時間的奇蹟 Marvellous, miracles of time 這歲月的贈禮,這紀元的神諭 Miracles of time , miracles of time 閃現著一如啟示的壯麗 Irradiated with their Makers splendour 承載著最美好祝愿的首生兒女 Elder Children of the highest will 阿爾達的寶石,當為不死國度的美裝點 Jewels of Earth to adorn the deathless Kingdom 首生兒女,星辰的子民 The Firstborn, People of the Stars 他們是時間的奇蹟,歲月的贈禮
他們是這紀元賜給我們的神諭 Miracles of time, miracles of time 我們從他們身上再次看到獨一之神創世的壯麗 Miracles of time 承載著最美好祝愿的首生兒女 Irradiated with their Makers splendour 世界的珠寶,當為裝點蒙福之地的明星 Elder Children of the highest will 首生兒女,星辰的子民 Jewels of Earth to adorn the deathless Kingdom 他們身上閃現著創世樂章的壯麗 The Firstborn, People of the Stars 承載著最美好祝愿的首生兒女啊 Irradiated with their Makers splendour 你們是大地上棲居的珠玉,生來便為裝點這世界 Elder Children of the highest will 你們是首生兒女,星辰的子民 Jewels of Earth to adorn the deathless Kingdom The Firstborn, People of the Stars
From Ancient Times
- Ainur
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