- Sia I Love It 歌詞
- Hilltop Hoods Sia
- I'm wondering where the day went
我深思時間流逝去了何方 The clouds had me shrouded and grey but 天空烏雲遮蔽,世間晦暗 I'm still out pounding the pavement 可我仍然踏上征途 Drowning the hurt by pounding rounds in brown paper 筆尖在牛皮紙上劃過,我沉湎於苦痛 Founded a label now I'm drowning in paperwork 心醉於文書之中,試圖找尋我的姓名 But now the crew I'm down with found an escape from work 與我一起落魄的人們啊,他們現已逃脫任務的繁重 And I love it cause that's what your hard work gets you 但是我愛上了我的工作,因為即便煩瑣,卻讓你著迷 My heart bursts through my chest I'm rescue 我得到了解救,心花怒放 So forget what the rest do 所以,忘記他人所做的一切 I'm blessed to do it with two of who are the best to do it 我祈願有兩位拔群出類的能人來完成 Do I love it 我很愛它 Look at our goals 回望我們的目標 If we never stood in the cold we wouldn't evolve 如若我們不身處陷阱,我們便會徘徊原地 Use to put my crooked foot in what I couldn't resolve 我曾在決定之前猶豫不決 But took control now hard work is good for the soul 但是如果你自我控制,繁重的任務也對靈魂有益 And I love it 我很愛它 Growing through life and stress 在生活與壓力中成長 Knowing the fight is just half of self-imposing our righteousness 知曉戰鬥只是提升自我正義感的不完全方式 Contract owners and licenses showbiz and lights we' re just 對比擁有者與證書,演藝圈與燈光,我們只是 Searching for the moment of pricelessness 尋找生命中最可貴的那一刻 B-boys I met you at the bus stop 男孩呀,我們在巴士站台相遇
We had nothing but the tuck shop 我們一無所有,除了那間糖果屋
We had school ties the sky and the hilltops 我們繫著學校的領結,我們同望一碧如洗的藍天,我們擁有甜蜜的棒棒糖
Now I've grown up and its still about hip-hop 如今我已長大,但hip-hop依舊風靡
I love it I love it 我喜歡它,我喜歡它 Five days deep in thebooth spent Friday leaping through loops 五天,在卡座裡沉迷;週五,在環路上跳躍著走 Spent the weekend Sideways seeking the truth 週末,在人行道上試圖找尋世間的真理 And I won't lie they keep me on my toes these days 我不會撒謊,最近它驅使我前行 But I won't lie hey I beat him with the flow for days 我也不會撒謊,我連日鞭策他前行 Cause I love it 因為我喜歡這種感覺 A pen and pad is like a red rag to a bull 一支筆,一本便簽對於我就像逗引鬥牛的一塊紅布 I see red like Leningrad 我想紅色就像列寧格勒
Raising the crowd from a vacant lot like how 不知如何,在空地裡群集 Like raising the brow on the face of God right Right now 就像剛剛在上帝面前揚眉吐氣 And I love it 我愛它 A life with no regret 一生從不後悔 No success without a price that owes a debt 沒有付出的回報總是欠缺什麼 I roll the dice and despite the road ahead 我擲骰子決定方向,不論前路如何坎坷 Hope that in the a crises I might just know the ledge 希望在危境之中我能公正地評判 But I love it like take away beer 但是我愛它就像隨身攜帶的啤酒 And a sun set to lay away your day to day fears 就像落日餘暉驅散每日的恐懼 See haters underrate us but this status takes years 那些愚昧的仇恨者低估了我們,但這種想法持續不散 And it ain't where we at it's how we made it here 這不在於我們在哪,在於我們抵達的路上醉人的景象 B-boy I met you at the bus stop 男孩呀,我們在巴士站台相遇
We have nothing but the tuck shop 我們一無所有,除了那間糖果屋
We had school ties the sky and the hilltops 我們繫著學校的領結,我們同望一碧如洗的藍天,我們擁有甜蜜的棒棒糖 Now we're all grown up and its still about hip-hop 如今我已長大,但hip-hop依舊風靡
I love it I love it 我愛它,我愛它 And we can be at a hotel worst part of town 我們可以待在鎮上最偏僻的角落 And support act we ain't half as loud 彼此支撐無法分離 But twice as nice you can ask the crowd 但遠比在人群中喧鬧美好 And we passing out at the departure lounge 我們可以在起居室裡宿醉不醒 And I love it I hug the road 我喜歡這樣,貼近大地 Like an old friend like world won't revolve 就像一切如舊,世間萬物從未變幻 Unless we're rolling on it it holds them on it 除非我們被時間裹挾,和他們一同被禁錮 It's soul melodic and oh they want it (ya know) and I love it 那是靈魂的樂曲,他們期望得到,我喜歡這樣 I love it 我愛它 We chasing the dream 我們追尋夢想 Everyday a new place new faces and scene 每一天都有著新的征途,新的旅人,新的風景 Living out of suitcase few place in between 從像箱子般狹小的空間中解脫 There's been very few days I loose faith in my team 有些時候我在團隊裡失去信心 Got love far from home through the winter and summer 四季流轉中獲得家的關懷 No matter how hard the road or the distance we cover 不論我們走過多少路程,多麼艱難 Even bitter when I'm missing my significant other 甚至失去我的意義更加痛苦 But wouldn't trade it for the world given another 但是我也不會拿它與世界做交換
B-boy 男孩呀
I love it yeah yeah I love it 我愛它,我愛牠呀
B-Boy I met you at the bus stop 男孩呀,我們在巴士站台相遇
I love it I love it 我愛它,我愛它 We have nothing but the tuck shop 我們一無所有,除了那間糖果屋
I love it I love it 我愛它,我愛它 We had school ties the skies and the hilltops 我們繫著學校的領結,我們同望一碧如洗的藍天,我們擁有甜蜜的棒棒糖
I love it I love it 我愛它,我愛它 Now I've grown up and its still about hip-hop 如今我已長大,但hip-hop依舊風靡
I love it I love it 我愛它,我愛它
C'mon Adelaide London Melbourne Sydney 來吧和我一起環遊,阿德萊德,倫敦,墨爾本和悉尼
Hong Kong New York Zurich 香港,紐約和蘇黎世 I love it I love it 我愛它,我愛它