- Eminem Bad Guy 歌词
- Eminem
- [Verse 1]
仿佛置身于淤泥之中,将旧伤口扒开 It's like I'm in this dirt, digging up old hurt 用尽一切方法将你忘却,却都无济于事 Tried everything to get my mind off you, it won't work 每当电台响起你的歌声 All it takes is one song on the radio, you're 你的面孔再次浮现,让我回忆起一切 Right back on it, reminding me all over again 你当初是如何将我拒之门外,让我心急如焚 How you fucking just brushed me off and left me so burnt 我一直把你苦苦找寻 Spent a lot of time tryin' to soul search 也许我得先长大点 Maybe I needed to grow up a little first 那好吧,现在我看起来够成熟了吧 Well, looks like I hit a growth spurt 我为了结此事而来 But I'm coming for closure 别以为你只欠我一个解释 Don't suppose an explanation I'm owed, for 在我最需要你的时候 The way that you turned your back on me 却把我置之不理 Just when I may have needed you most 你大概以为一切就这样结束了吧 Oh, you thought it was over? You could just close the 你可以翻开人生新一页,若无其事继续逍遥自在 Chapter and go about your life like it was nothing? 你把我的人生毁了,你却还是风生水起 You ruined mine, but you seem to be doin' fine 我没办法痊愈 Well, I've never recovered 但是今晚我打赌你要经历一遍我所经历的痛苦 But tonight I bet you that what you're 'bout to go through's tougher than anything I ever have suffered 这大概是善恶有报的最佳诠释这大概是善恶有报的最佳诠释 Can't think of a better way to define poetic justice 我会怀恨在心吗?嘴上说着:“去他妈的,算了” Can I hold grudges? Mind saying, "Let it go, fuck this." 内心却呐喊着:“我他妈一定要活埋这混蛋” Heart's saying: "I will, once I bury this bitch alive “然后藏好铲子,随着夕阳驱车远去” Hide the shovel and then drive off in the sunset." 我匆忙逃离,像是我的最后一程 [Hook: Sarah Jaffe] 你一眼看穿 I flee the scene like it was my last ride 第一次就将我识破 You see right through 你看得穿真相,辩解却那样简单 Oh, you had me pegged the first time 孰是孰非 我憎恨作恶 You can see the truth, but it's easier to justify 我真的憎恨作恶 What's bad is good and I hate to be the bad guy (跟着我逃离吧) I just hate to be the bad guy 我真的憎恨作恶 (Follow me, I ruh-uh-un; follow me, I ruh-uh-un) (跟着我逃离吧) I just hate to be the bad guy 我一直觉得你就是狗屎,婊子 (Follow me, I ruh-uh-un; follow me, I ruh-uh-un) 仔细想想我曾经还那么崇拜你,操 [Verse 2] 你以为你能伤了人然后溜之大吉吗 And to think I used to think you was the shit, bitch 这次不可能了,你最好去准备针线包吧,婊子 To think it was you at one time I worshipped, shit 缝好这道伤,你就可以自食其果了,傻逼 Think you can hurt people and just keep getting away with it? 你以为时间能磨灭我对你的憎恨吗 Not this time, you better go and get the sewing kit, bitch! 别做梦了!你让我的家庭支离破碎 Finish this stitch, so you can reap what you sew, nitwit 以为我会把Stan忘了吗? Thought some time would pass and I'd forget it? 假装他从来没存在过? Forget it! You left our family in shambles 也许他已与世长辞,但绝不会被遗忘 And you expect me to just get over him 不要以为他淡出我的视线,我便不会前来复仇 Pretend he never existed? 你错了,所作所为令我恶心 May be gone, but he's not forgotten 你将它残忍玩弄,现在又对我故技重施 And don't think ‘cause he's been out the pictures so long that I've stopped the plottin' and still ain't coming to get ya 你想没想过我经历的这些操蛋的一切? You're wrong and that shit was rotten 和我感同身受过吗?我所一直抑制的愤恨? And the way you played him, same shit you did to me; cold 从未打过一次电话问我过得如何 Have you any idea the shit that I've gone through? 也从未回复过我一封信 Feelings I harbor? All this pent up resentment I hold on to? 去他妈的,我来找你了 Not once you call to ask me how I'm doin' 还有谁比你更适合和我谈心?【暗指Matthew认为Eminem比任何心理医生都管用】 Letters, you don't respond to 'em 你是我问题的源头,我的生活像是一团垃圾 Fuck it, I'm coming to see you 现在我要让你自食恶果,噗——我出发了 And, gee, who better to talk to than you? 我匆忙逃离,像是我的最后一程 The cause of my problems, my life is garbage 你一眼看穿 And I'm 'bout to take it out on you, poof, then I'm gone, voosh 第一次就将我识破 [Hook: Sarah Jaffe] 你看得穿真相,辩解却那样简单 I flee the scene like it was my last ride 孰是孰非 我憎恨作恶 You see right through 我真的憎恨作恶 Oh, you had me pegged the first time (跟着我逃离吧) You can see the truth, but it's easier to justify 我真的憎恨作恶 What's bad is good and I hate to be the bad guy (跟着我逃离吧) I just hate to be the bad guy 我已驱车赶来 环绕于你的住所我已驱车赶来 环绕于你的住所 (Follow me, I ruh-uh-un; follow me, I ruh-uh-un) 大概有9个小时45分钟了【Em第一张录音室专辑Infinite到MMLP2时长加起来正好为9时45分】 I just hate to be the bad guy 我总算找到你新住址,停车而至 (Follow me, I ruh-uh-un; follow me, I ruh-uh-un) 感觉我等这一刻就像等了一辈子 [Verse 3] 现在终于到了,我已垂涎欲滴 I've been drivin' around your side of this town 刀也已出鞘,伺机而动 Like 9 frickin' hours and 45 minutes now 你看,走到现在这一步真是悲哀 Finally I found your new address, park in your drive 这样的“赴约”真让人遗憾 Feel like I've been waiting on this moment all of my life 我来找你可不是要你的同情 And it's now arrived, and my mouth is full of saliva 我也不要你的道歉抑或友谊还是慰问 My knife is out and I'm ducking on the side of your house 这是我一直在苦寻的复仇 See, it's sad it came to this point 于是我满怀仇恨潜伏于你卧室窗下 Such a disappointment I had to make this appointment 像是用尽所有潜能,我偷偷一瞥 To come and see ya, but I ain't here for your empathy 不停窥视,弯着腰 I don't need your apology or your friendship or sympathy 一直敲打你的窗户,越来越响 It's revenge that I seek 一路溜到你的阳台后沿 So I sneak vengefully and treat your bedroom window 老兄,门都不锁,不会这么容易得手吧? Like I reached my full potential; I peeked 你都不防盗的么? Continue to peep, still bent low, then keep 看到我很惊讶吧?说不出话了? Tapping the glass lightly then start to crescendo, sneak 我用氯仿布捂着你,你肺都要咳出来了 All the way 'round to the back porch 就和你抡起斧子的时候一样,继续原计划 Man, door handles unlocked, shouldn't be that easy to do this 被个粉丝拖进车的后备箱里 You don't plan for intruders beforehand? 真讽刺是吧?现在谁是娘炮?你个废物 Surprised to see me? Cat got your tongue? 还你你的野马队棒球帽 Gag, chloroform rag, gag, almost hack-up a lung 把这脏东西拿回去吧,真tm恶心 Like you picked an axe up and swung, stick to the core plan 现在就剩下你和我还有音乐啦,Slim Dragged to the back of a trunk by one of your fans 我们现在在车上,等会,这是我最喜欢的一句歌词 Irony's spectacular, huh? Now who's a faggot, you punk? “死人对我这个大坏蛋来说是很有趣的事”【这句歌词来自MMLP《Criminal》】 And here's your Bronco hat 嘿,把这张专辑作为我的Mathers LP的续集 You can have that shit back, ‘cause they suck 就为了吸引更多人来买 It's just me, you and the music now, Slim, I hope you hear it 这个宣传手段如何?非常有趣 We're in the car right now, wait, here comes my favorite lyric 这是你最后一张专辑,因为出完这张专辑你就正式完蛋啦 "I'm the bad guy who makes fun of people that die" 阿姆死在M&M手下【Matthew和阿姆原名缩写一样】 And hey, here's a sequel to my Mathers LP 操,我和你名字缩写都一样 Just to try to get people to buy 一开始我想把你埋在我哥旁边的,去他妈的,算了 How's this for a publicity stunt? This should be fun 你不是很喜欢你的城市底特律么? Last album now, ‘cause after this you'll be officially done 我一想,操 Eminem killed by M and M, Matthew Mitchell 这里才是你的最佳活埋地 Bitch, I even have your initials 就剩下俩高速路口了 I initially was gonna bury you next to my brother, but fuck it 我没驾照啊,希望我们别被拦下来 Since you're in love with your city so much 警笛响了?高速公路上开90码真不是个好主意,条子已经出现在我后视镜了 I figured, what the fuck 我天,警察啊啊啊啊! The best place you could be buried alive is right here 希望至少空警的直升机可以航拍到你的葬身之处 Two more exits, time is quite near 哥,我们要更换计划了 Hope we don't get stopped, no license I fear “把这头猪推进这辆加宽林肯车的后备箱”【与下面FrankOcean的事迹对比】 That sirens I hear? Guess 90 on the freeway wasn't the brightest idea, as cops appear in my driver's side mirror 好了,该走了,到桥上了 (Oh, God! Police! Aaaghh!) 哥,这是献给你的 Hope Foxtrot gets an aerial shot of your burial plot, at least 也献给FrankOcean,希望你泳技不错 New plan, Stan, Slim: "Chauvinist pig 再他妈说一遍你讨厌同性恋啊! Drove in this big Lincoln Town Car" 我同样也代表那些因为你开玩笑攻击冒犯 Well, gotta go, almost at the bridge 而逝去的人 Ha ha, big bro, it's for you, Slim, this is for him 我是你入梦而来,醒来仍在的梦魇 And Frank Ocean; oh, hope you can swim good 我就是你的因果报应 Now say you hate homos again! 现在是你为你的罪孽忏悔的最佳时刻 [Part 2: Produced by StreetRunner] 不,早就没希望了,我是你无法接受的事实 [Verse 4] 当人们说起一切都要结束了 I also represent anyone on the receiving end 你却仍不相信一切已经结束 Of those jokes you offend 那咱们再重新过一遍 I'm the nightmare you fell asleep and then woke up still in 走投无路了,我会把所有胜算加起来 I'm your karma closing in with each stroke of a pen 厕所堵了,因为一直以来我唱了一大堆狗屎 Perfect time to have some remorse to show for your sin 但是我要把它清理干净 Nope, it's hopeless, I'm the denial that you're hopelessly in 但是我的脑海中却有一个声音在怒吼 When they say all of this is approachin' its end 一切都被摧毁,我就是你缺乏的良知【是shady带着黑暗的一面归来,详情在《My Darling》一曲中】 But you refuse to believe that it's over 我是你耳内的鸣响 Here we go all over again 我是你扁桃体后的息肉 Back's to the wall, I'm stacking up all them odds 在你演唱会结束后吞噬你的声带 Toilets clogged, yeah, ‘cause I'm talking a lot of shit 我是你不肯承认却马上结束的时间 But I'm backing it all up 快拿点水来 But in my head there's a voice in the back and it hollers 但是我却是那难以吞下的药丸 After the track is demolished, "I am your lack of a conscience" 我是你曾最讨厌的恶霸【Em学生时期曾被学校的校霸欺凌】 I'm the ringing in your ears 现在你自己却变成恶霸 I'm the polyps on the back of your tonsils 时常“屠杀”的同性恋、侮辱的女性,全部回来找你算账 Eatin' your vocal chords after your concerts 但是一提到你女儿 I'm your time that's almost up that you haven't acknowledged 你又变成了双标婊【Em厌恶女性却绝不允许别人说他女儿】 Grab for some water 我代表你认为理所当然的一切 But I'm that pill that's too jagged to swallow 因为Marshall仅仅是你说唱的一半人格【Marshall原为阿姆本名,Em和SlimShady两个艺名和人格成就了今天的他】 I'm the bullies you hate Matthew和Stan不过是一种象征 That you became with every faggot you slaughtered 代表着你在失去之前意识不到你拥有的事物 Coming back on you, every woman you insult 因为你的光环和魅力褪色后 Batter, but the double-standards you have 不会再有歌迷大喊你的名字 When it comes to your daughters 闪光灯落幕了,悲哀,但是这确实是所有人最终的结局【Hip-Hop史上向来如此,但是EM不肯面对这一切】 I represent everything you take for granted 我很久之前就这样警告过你 ‘Cause Marshall Mathers, the rapper's persona, is half a facade 预示着即将到来的一切 And Matthew and Stan's just symbolic 我就是未来,告诉你明天会发生什么 Of you not knowing what you had 'til it's gone 如果你还不就此打住 ‘Cause after all the glitz and the glam 等到他们叫你“不敢退役的说唱界最大笑柄” No more fans that are calling your name 到了该离开的时候,我负满罪恶感【Em把退役当成一次旅行,与下面的baggage、possessions呼应】 Cameras are off, sad, but it happens to all of them 拿好你的行李,当你打包你的东西的时候,如果你还有什么想说的 I'm the hindsight to say, “I told you so!” 定要足够震撼,否则还是别说了 Foreshadows of all the things that are to follow 所以在你了结之前 I'm the future that's here to show you what happens tomorrow 最好确保你要引起一场轰动 If you don't stop after they call ya 所以最后一次,我回来了,趁一切淡如灰暗即将消退前 Biggest laughing stock of rap who can't call it quits 一切结束了,看看这部传奇的终章 When it's time to walk away, I'm every guilt trip 试图重新抓住困在瓶中的闪电【暗指想回到巅峰MMLP1时期,《Cinderella Man》一曲中提到过这句话】 The baggage you have, but as you gather up all your possessions, if there's anything you have left to say 两次,魔法开启了【Em想再次完成MMLP那样的传奇】 'Less it makes an impact, then don't bother 一张悲惨的肖像画 So 'fore you rest your case 描绘一位饱受折磨的艺术家,被困于他自己的画作【用道林·格雷的画像来比喻自己被困在MMLP时期】 Better make sure you're packing a wallop 陷入更为深沉的思索,超乎想象的漆黑暗淡 So, one last time, I'm back, before it fades into black 黑暗中出现了一丝光亮 And it's all over, behold the final chapter in a saga 让我们重回MMLP结束的时期 Tryin' to recapture that lightning trapped in a bottle Twice, the magic that started It all, tragic portrait of an artist Tortured, trapped in his own drawings Tap into thoughts blacker and darker than anything imaginable Here goes a wild stab in the dark, uh As we pick up where the last Mathers left off