- Eminem Brainless 歌词
- Eminem
- Eminem Has a full line of chainsaws
Eminem有一整套电锯 Eminem..Eminem..Eminem..Eminem 【Em在过去的歌曲和演唱会上多次使用电锯作为道具/音效】 Marshall Mathers, Eminem, the rapper…Eminem Eminem, Eminem, Eminem, Eminem Who can say fore sure? Marshall Mathers, Eminem... 那个搞说唱的Eminem Perhaps a frontal lobotomy would be the answer “谁敢肯定呢? If science can operate on this distorted brain and put it to good use 或许额叶切除术会是答案 Society will reap a great benefit 如果科学界能为这个扭曲的大脑实施手术,把它善加利用 I walk around like a space cadet, place your bets 全社会都会因此获利” Who's likely to become a serial killer? Case of tourettes 我像个怪人一样四处游荡,来打个赌 Fuck Fuck fuck Can't take the stress 谁有可能成为一个连环杀手,吐雷氏症的典例 I make a mess as the day progresses 草草草,不堪重负 Angry and take it out on the neighbours hedges 我日渐造成更大的混乱 Like this is how I'll cut your face up bitches 把怒火撒在邻居的篱笆上 With these hedge trimming scisors with razor edges 我会像这样把你们这帮贱货的脸砍下 Imagination's dangerous, it's the only way to escape this 就用这些刀刃锋利的篱笆剪 Mess and make the best of this situation, I guess 想象力是危险的,我想 Cuz I feel like a little bitch's, predicaments, despicable 它是逃离这片混乱,唯一而最好的方法 I'm sick of just getting pushed, it's ridiculous 因为我觉得自己就像个小婊子,这困境 I look like a freaking woos, a pussy 卑劣可鄙,我受够了被人推搡,真是可笑 This kid just took my stick of liquorice 我他妈看起来就像个懦夫,一个怂逼,这孩子把我的 And threw my sticker books in a picker bush 甘草糖棍抢走, I wanna kick his toosh, but I was six and shook 再把我的贴纸书扔进灌木丛 This fucker was 12 and was 6 foot, with a vicious hook 我真想朝他屁股上踹过去,但我才六岁,怕得浑身颤抖 He hit me, I fell, I got back up, all I did was book, now there's using your head 而这混球12岁,又有六英尺高,带着他充满恶毒的铁钩 Mama always said 'If you had a brain, you'd be dangerous 他打了我,我跌倒在地;我爬起身,只能拔腿就跑 A brain you'd be dangerous' (Mama could be wrong) 妈妈总是说吃亏是福 Mama, Ima grow a name and be famous 太聪明也不好 我会证明你是错的 And I'mma be a pain in the anus 妈妈,我终有一天会成名, (Mama could be wrong) 我会成为他们菊花里的阵痛 I'mma use my head as a weapon 我会证明你是错的 Find a way to escape this insaneness 我会用我的脑子作为武器, Mama always said 'If you had a brain, you'd be dangerous 逃离这疯狂境地 Guess it pays to be brainless 妈妈总是说:“孩子,如果你有脑子,你会很危险” Fast forward some years later 我想要无脑也得付出代价 A teenager, this is a fun, sweet 很快几年过去了, I just got jumped twice in one week, it's complete 我成了一个青少年,真有趣,酷毙了 Cuz usually once a month, this is some feat I've accomplished 我一周内被人打了两次,也算圆满了 They've stomped me into the mud [gee] for what reason, youstomped me 以前一般都是一个月被打一次,这也算是 But how do you get the shit beat out of you be down and be upbeat 我达成了某种功绩吧,他们把我踹进泥巴里,老天你到底为什么刁难我 When you don't have no-thing, no valid shot at life 但你是怎么被打得半死,被打趴下,一无所有却仍然乐观? Chance to make it or succeed 【文字游戏:这一句中Em使用了beat相关的不同意义】 Cuz you're doomed from the start 生活不施与让你能坚持 It's like you grew up on drug street, from jump street 或成功的机遇 But if I had just kept my head up my ass 因为你的命运早已注定 I could accomplish any task ,就像你在殴打街长大,如今身在龙虎少年队 Practicing trash talking in a trance 但如果我他妈能再更专注一些 Locked in my room yeah But I got some plans mama 任何事都不会在话下 These damn rhymes are falling 锁在自己的房间里 Out of my pants pocket I can't stop it 神志恍惚地练习着这些无用废话,yeah,但我有些计划,老妈 And I'm starting to blend in more, school this shit helps for sure 这些该死的押韵从我的裤子口袋里掉出来, I'm getting more self assured than I've ever been before 我无法阻止 Plus no one picks on me anymore, I done put a stop to that 我开始更加融入学校的环境 这些押韵当然起了很大作用 Threw my first punch, end of story 我开始感到从未有过的自信 Still in my skulls a vacant, empty void, 也再没有人来捉弄我,我停止了这一切, Take some inventory ???Ford engine door hinge syringe an orangean extension cord and a Ninja sword 打出了我的第一拳——故事的终结 Not to mention four lynch pins and a stringent stored ironing board a bench a wrench or winch and a tangent whore 我的头骨里依然是一片空洞,使用它更多像是作为储物箱,列出存货清单 Everything but a brain, but dome's off the fucking chain 这儿有一台福特引擎,一条门铰链,一支注射器,还有一个橘子,一条延长线还有一把忍者剑 Like an independent store, something's wrong with my head 不用说还有四个制轮辖,一盒止血药 还有熨衣板,一把长凳,一块矿石,一位少妇还有一个充满魅力的荡妇 Just think if I had a brain in it, thank God that I don't 什么都有就是没有脑子,无脑死疯子就像一家独立商店 Cause I'd probably be dumber!cause mama always said 我的脑袋有点毛病 Mama always said 'If you had a brain, you'd be dangerous 试想一下假如我的头里有脑子,真该谢天谢地我没有, A brain you'd be dangerous' (Mama could be wrong) 因为要是有的话我可能就是Dahmer,因为妈妈总是说 Mama, Ima grow a name and be famous 如果你有脑子,你会很危险——有脑子你会很危险 And I'mma be a pain in the anus 我会证明你是错的 (Mama could be wrong) 妈妈,我终有一天会成名, I'mma use my head as a weapon 我会成为他们菊花里的阵痛 Find a way to escape this insaneness 我会证明你是错的 Mama always said 'If you had a brain, you'd be dangerous 我会用我的脑子作为武器, Guess it pays to be brainless 逃离这疯狂境地 Now my mum goes “womp womp womp” 妈妈总是说:“孩子,如果你有脑子,你会很危险” Cause I'm not that smart but I'm not dumb 我想要无脑也得付出代价 I was on a bottom of the pile getting stomped 现在我老妈开始“哇哇哇” But somehow, I came out on top 因为我不聪明,但我也不傻 I told you one day, I said they'd have that red carpet rolled out, yo 我曾在底端任人践踏 I'm nice, yo, fuck it I'm out cold 但我就这么站在了顶上 Now everywhere I go, they scream out 'Go' 我告诉过你,我说过他们会为我铺好红毯,yo I'm bout to clean house, yo 我很给力,yo,去他妈的,我现在屌爆 I'm Lysol, now I'm just household 现在不管我走到何处,他们都尖叫着冲, Outsold the sell outs, freak the hell out 我现在要清理门户,yo Middle America, hear them yell out 我是来苏尔,现在我是家喻户晓 [until] they were so scared, and those kids 比那些畅销垃圾还要畅销, Just about, belted out 把整个中美洲吓尿 Whatever spout that it fell out 听着他们惊恐地大喊大叫 Of my smart alleck mouth, it was so weird 还有那些孩子, Inappropriate, so be it, I don't see it 引吭高歌着我这张蠢嘴里喷出的一切, Maybe one day when the smoke clears, it won't be as 真是怪了 Motherfuckin' difficult, ye, till then 说我的音乐不合适,那就不合适,我真搞不懂 Hopefully you little homos get over your fears and grow beards 或许有一天当迷雾散开 It's okay to be scared straight, they said I provoke queers 就他妈不会再这么令人费解,ch-yeah, Till emotions evoke tears, my whole careers a stroke of sheer genius 到那时,希望你们这群小基佬能克服你们的恐惧症 Smoking mirrors, tactical, practical jokes, yeah 被我恐吓从善也挺好的,他们说我老是惹同性恋 You motherfuckin' Insert Insult Here 让他们情感受伤声泪俱下,我的整个说唱生涯 Who the fuck would've thought one little lone MC would be able to take the whole culture and re-upholstery it 就是一个绝对天才的成功一笔,如雾里看花,技术慑人,耍恶作剧 And boy they did flock 你这狗娘养的(这里插入侮辱词语) Can't believe this little hit blocked 谁他妈会想到一个无名小MC会能够接下这个文化,让它重焕生机? This hip hop shit and this ??and still the shit got 天,他们聚在一起, That white trash traffic and gridlock 不敢相信这个小乡巴佬能把 Shit hopping like a six blocks from a Kid Rock 整个hip-hop锁进他的裤后口袋,这玩意依然 Insane Clown Posse Concert in mid oc-tober 让整个来看我的穷白人交通陷入堵塞,六个街区一片沸腾 And got forbid ah See a wizard and get a brain and actinium cranium ?? 在十月中旬的Kid Rock, Cause I turn to the unibomber mama always said Insane Clown Posse演唱会 Mama always said 'If you had a brain, you'd be dangerous 上帝禁止我去见巫师,向他索要一个脑子放进我的钛脑壳,因为 A brain you'd be dangerous' (Mama could be wrong) 我会变成一个炸弹狂,妈妈总是说 Mama, Ima grow a name and be famous 如果你有脑子,你会很危险——有脑子你会很危险 And I'mma be a pain in the anus 我会证明你是错的 (Mama could be wrong) 妈妈,我终有一天会成名, I'mma use my head as a weapon 我会成为他们菊花里的阵痛 Find a way to escape this insaneness 我会证明你是错的 Mama always said 'If you had a brain, you'd be dangerous 我会用我的脑子作为武器, Guess it pays to be brainless 逃离这疯狂境地 Insaneness this ain't even a word you stupid fuck 妈妈总是说:“孩子,如果你有脑子,你会很危险” Neither is ain't 我想要无脑也得付出代价