- Alec Benjamin I'm Not A Cynic 歌词
- Alec Benjamin
- [length: 02:16.986]
[length: 02:16.986] [tool: 歌词滚动姬 https://lrc-maker.github.io] [tool: 歌词滚动姬 https://lrc-maker.github.io] I'm just being realistic, being honest with myself 我只是一直实事求是 对自己保持抱诚守真的态度 I've tried being optimistic but it doesn't seem to help 我也曾尝试过积极乐观笑对生活 最终却发现这样只不过都无济于事罢了 So I'll just have to admit this is the hand that I've been dealt 所以我还是不得不承认生活就是如此吧 还是得继续进行下去 I'm not being pessimistic, just being honest with myself 我并不是悲观厌世 我只是对自己真挚坦诚而已 I'm not a cynic, oh, today's just not my day 我并非玩世不恭 只或许就今天我不走运罢了 I've tried to spin it 'bout a thousand different ways 只是以不同的方式日复一日循环着罢了 But from every angle oh, the outlook is the same 但是从各个角度看来,前景却都如出一辙 I swear that I'm not a cynic, my glass just has no water in it today 我可以保证 我决不是愤世嫉俗,只不过今天我的杯中没有水罢了(暗示人们不能通过Alec对杯中水量的看法来判断他的处事态度) Uh, uh, uh I swear that I'm not a cynic, my glass just has no water in it 我可以保证 我决不是愤世嫉俗,只不过今天我的杯中没有水罢了 You only get that what you're given, it's not always up to you 你仅仅只得到了别人所给予你的建议 但只可惜这并不能取决你的想法如何 Not every Sunday is a picnic, 'cause the sky ain't always blue 并不是每个周末都能够外出野炊,因为那天的天空并非晴空万里 You can't just change the weather by changing your point of view 你并不能靠着仅仅改变自己的看法来改变天气客观的变化无常 Some days you have to wait until the storms have passed through 有时你只需要静静等待直至暴风雨平息 I'm not a cynic, oh, today's just not my day 我并非玩世不恭 只或许就今天我不走运罢了 I've tried to spin it 'bout a thousand different ways 我也只不过以不同的方式日复一日循环着罢了 But from every angle oh the outlook is the same 但是从各个角度看来,前景却都如出一辙 I swear that I'm not a cynic, my glass just has no water in it today 我可以保证 我决不是愤世嫉俗,只不过今天我的杯中没有水罢了 Uh, uh, uh So like a boat on the ocean, I'll rock with the waves 就像一挺在海洋中漂泊的小船,随着海浪翻滚腾起 飘摇不定 God, I'm so sick of this notion that I have to fake 天呐 我已经受够了那些我需弄虚作假的条条框框 Fake my emotion and pretend I'm okay 伪装起我的真实心情 假装我神采飞扬一样 So like a boat on the ocean, I'll just rock with the waves 就像一挺在海洋中漂泊的小船,随着海浪翻滚腾起 飘摇不定 I'm not a cynic, oh, today's just not my day 我并非玩世不恭 只或许就今天我不走运罢了 I've tried to spin it 'bout a thousand different ways 我也只不过以不同的方式日复一日循环着罢了 But from every angle oh the outlook is the same 但是从各个角度看来,前景却都如出一辙 I swear that I'm not a cynic, my glass just has no water in it today 我可以保证 我决不是愤世嫉俗,只不过今天我的杯中没有水罢了 Uh, uh, uh I swear that I'm not a cynic, my glass just has no water in it today 我可以保证 我决不是愤世嫉俗,只不过今天我的杯中没有水罢了