- Linkin Park Step Up 歌词
- Linkin Park
- yo
看着房间的地板 watch as the room rocks 想象着迷离的太空步 mentally moonwalk 音响中爆炸着混合媒体的时髦新词 mixed media slang banging in your boombox 口头暴力 verbal violence 感情夸张的时尚造型师 lyrical stylist 在一段时间,摇滚/嘻哈的韵律是幼稚的 in a time when rock/hip-hop rhymes are childish 你不能用空荡荡的调调诱惑我 you can't tempt me with rhymes that are empty 说唱不会让你成为主角 rappin' to a beat doesn't make you an emcee 你缺乏技艺的表演和老旧的设备正在慢慢杀死我 with your lack of skill and facility you're killing me 和DJ一起配合只是为了好名声 and a DJ in the group just for credibility 我听说你们中有些人正在帮助你创作韵律 i heard that some of you are gettin' help with your rhymes 如果有人替你写歌,那你就不是一个爷们 you're not an emcee if someone else writes your lines 摇滚不会让你成为先驱者 rappin' over rock doesn't make you a pioneer 因为摇滚已经和嘻哈骨肉相连了 cuz rock and hip-hop have collaborated for years 而且现在他们正在随机混合并配对 but now they're getting randomly mixed and matched up 将会成为摇钱树 all after a fast buck 就是吸钱的大道 and all the tracks suck 想知道金山是怎么堆起来的么? so how does it stack up? 然而没人知道它真正的原因 none of its real 你想成为舞台上的主角么 you wanna be an emcee? 那么你必须学习这个技能 you gotta study the skill 谁能每次都带给你 who can rock a rhyme like this 这样的摇滚的韵律 bring it to you every time like this 谁能一次更甚一次地 who can rock a rhyme like this 摇滚这样的韵律 step, step up, step, step up 所以你拿起笔写下一个新的身份 so you pick up a pen and write yourself a new identity 但在精神上你没有嘻哈能量 but mentally you don't have the hip-hop energy 只是倾向于弥补故事 with a tendency to make up stories 听起来就像你听到的唯一的嘻哈是40强 it sounded like the only hip-hop you've heard is top-40 你的唱片公司完全失去了作用 and your record company's completely missed it 所有的唱片都因为不合法而不能发售 and all the kids are dissin' it for not being legitimate 所以在这场战斗中,你什么也不能得到 so in a battle, you can't hack it 被打的屁滚尿流,只得到一些轻拍嘴巴的呜呜声 react with whack shit, and get smacked with verbal backflips 踢你的屁股,我是一剂强力的战斗催化剂 get your ass kicked, i'm a fabulous battle catalyst 为了成为节奏掌控者,需要好几十年才实现 it's taken decades for emcees to establish this 如果你认真的话,欢迎你加入嘻哈世界 you're new to hip-hop and welcome if you're serious 但不是成为一个主唱,先从小学徒开始 but not on a mike, leave that to the experienced 真正的大师用声浪麻痹对手 (using waves of sound the true master paralyzes his opponent 让他变得更容易受到攻击 leaving him vulnerable to attack) 谁能每次都带给你 who can rock a rhyme like this 这样的摇滚的韵律 bring it to you every time like this 谁能一次更甚一次地 who can rock a rhyme like this 摇滚这样的韵律 step, step up, step, step up 谁能每次都带给你 who can rock a rhyme like this 这样的摇滚的韵律 bring it to you every time like this 谁能一次更甚一次地 who can rock a rhyme like this 这样的摇滚的韵律 step, step up, step, step up, step up 经过世界领先声学家数年的 (after years of painstaking research by the world's leading 精心研究 sound scientists 我们这在声音研究所发明了可靠的 we here at the sound institute have invented a reliable 音响武器系统 audio weapon system 通过空间中音乐声音的实际运动 actual movement of musical sound in space is used to 并结合人体的细胞结构 carefully attack 发动无微不至的攻击 and neutralize the cellular structure of the human body 所以这个问题一定会被问 so the question must be asked) 谁能每次都带给你 who can rock a rhyme like this 这样的摇滚的韵律 bring it to you every time like this 谁能一次更甚一次地 who can rock a rhyme like this 摇滚这样的韵律 step, step up, step, step up 谁能每次都带给你 who can rock a rhyme like this 这样的摇滚的韵律 bring it to you every time like this 谁能一次更甚一次地 who can rock a rhyme like this 摇滚这样的韵律 step, step up, step, step up, step up 现在拿起麦克风 step up to the microphone 就像你想的那样 and you do it like this 就像我刚才说的 and you do it like this 现在拿起麦克风 step up to the microphone 就像你想的那样 and you do it like this 现在拿起麦克风 step up to the microphone 就像你想的那样 and you do it like this 现在拿起麦克风 step up to the microphone 就像你想的那样 and you do it like thiisss....)