- Eminem Still Don't Give A Fuck 歌词
- Eminem
A lot of people ask me 许多人问我 Am I afraid of death? 惧不惧怕死亡 Hell yeah I'm afraid of death, 妈的当然了 谁不怕死 I don't wanna die yet. 我也不想死啊 A lot of people think that I worship the devil, 许多人认为我敬奉恶魔 that I do all types of retarded shit. 因为我总是在歌中那样自比 Look, I can't change the way I think, 听着 我没法改变我思考的方式 I can't change the way I am, 也无从改变我的本性 but if I affended you, GOOD 但如果我伤害到了你 呵呵
因为我他妈的根本不在乎 'cause I still don't give a fuck 我在大街上 I'm zonin' offa one joint 拦下一辆豪华轿车 Stoppin' the limo 跳进车窗里 hop in the window 拿着枪威胁那帮富人买我的demo shoppin' the demo at gun point. 身为一个毫无头绪的作词人 A lyricist without a clue 我连今年什么年都不知道 what year is this? 他妈的小针头有什么用 喏 给你把剑 Fuck a needle, heres a sword 尽情刺穿你的身体 body pierce with this. 为所欲为 Livin' them up 他妈的从不管别人怎么想 Never givin' a fuck 钥匙给我 我喝醉了 Gimme the keys I'm drunk 我没开车 and I've never drivin' the truck. 我只是在车里抽大麻呢 But I smoke dope in the cab 我要随手抓起一把匕首刺向你 I'll stab you with the sharpest knife I can grab 下周有种再来 老子就亲手把你伤疤给撕开 Come back the next week and re-open the scab. 生而杀人不眨眼 A killer instinct runs in the blood 扫射完全发子弹 然后把枪埋土里 Empty your four clips and bury your guns in the mud. 我现在不怎么吸啦 I've calmed down now 你要知道我以前多离不开那玩意儿 I was heavy once into drugs 我可以径直走上两个月 I could walk around straight for two months 脑子还嗡嗡响呢 with a buzz. 我的脑子被吃了 My brain's gone 灵魂腐烂 精神碎裂 So worn my spirit is torn 身体其他部分也正在被动刀子 The rest of my body is still being operated on 写这句话的时候 我急忙弯下身 I'm duckin' the fuck down while I'm writin' this rhyme 因为这次我估计是躲不过那道闪电了 'cause I'm probably gonna get struck by lightning this time. 致所有我抽过的所有大麻 To all the weed that I've smoked, 哟 再来一根 Yo this blunt's for you. 致所有我攻击过的人 To all the people I've affended, 耶 操你妈 Yeah fuck you too. 致所有曾经的朋友 To all the friends I use to have, 我怀念成名前的弟兄们 I miss my past 但是其他那些混蛋全滚去死吧 But the rest of you assholes can kiss my ass. 致所有我吸过的毒 For all the drugs that I've done, 哟 我还要吸个够 Yo I'm still gonna do. 致所有我攻击过的人 To all the people I've affended, 耶 操你妈 Ya fuck you too. 每次回头看 Every time I reminist, 哟 我怀念成名前的时光 Yo I miss my past. 但我他妈的根本不在乎 But I still don't give a fuck, 你们全都可以滚去死 Ya'll can kiss my ass! 我拿着把刀 走进一场枪战 想要杀了你 I walked into a gunfight with a knife to kill you 出刀太快 Cut you so fast 你的血喷涌而出的时候 纯蓝纯蓝的 When your blood spilled it was still blue 我要把你吊起来 I'll hang you 'til you dangle 用锁链把你的脚踝捆起来 And chain you at both ankles 然后向两边使劲拉 And pull you apart from both angles 我想砸碎你的脑壳 I wanna crush your skull 直到你的脑浆从血管中喷涌而出 'til your brains leak out of your veins 就像大坝断裂蓄水一泻千里那样 And bust open like broken water mains. 所以告诉萨达姆 别把心思放在什么做炸弹上了 So tell Sadam not to bother with making another bomb 因为我已经把整个地球捏在手掌心了 'Cause I'm crushing the whole world in my palm 我臂中躺着你心爱的姑娘 I got your girl in my arm 身藏火器枪炮 and I'm armed with a fire arm 天惹 我的胳膊简直就是个巨大的爆炸弹 so big my entire arm's a giant fire bomb 请给你老妈 买一件印着“Slim Shady”的衬衫 Buy your mom a shirt with a Slim Shady iron-on 再找一件搭配的裤子 and the pants that match 喏 妈妈 穿上试试 here mama try 'em on 我他妈的想象力太丰富了 I get amastertive 满嘴的形容词 with a mouth full of adjectives 满脑的副词 A brain full of adverbs 满盒的泻药 让那些说唱歌手拉得直不起身 And a box full of laxitives 呵 医院又麻烦了 Proff of all school accidents 上帝 快让我闭嘴 God help me 我快把自己的罪恶给说完啦 before I commit some irresponsible acts again 致所有我抽过的所有大麻 To all the weed that I've smoked, 哟 再来一根 Yo this blunt's for you. 致所有我攻击过的人 To all the people I've affended, 耶 操你妈 Yeah fuck you too. 致所有曾经的朋友 To all the friends I use to have, 我怀念成名前的弟兄们 I miss my past 但是其他那些混蛋全滚去死吧 But the rest of you assholes can kiss my ass. 致所有我吸过的毒 For all the drugs that I've done, 哟 我还要吸个够 Yo I'm still gonna do. 致所有我攻击过的人 To all the people I've affended, 耶 操你妈 Ya fuck you too. 每次回头看 Every time I reminist, 哟 我怀念成名前的时光 Yo I miss my past. 但我他妈的根本不在乎 But I still don't give a fuck, 你们全都可以滚去死 Ya'll can kiss my ass! 我出了一张无人能及的专辑 I wanted an album so rugged nobody could touch it 我在每首歌上砸一百万 I spent a million a track 很快就破产了 And went over my budget 我他妈的现在要怎么还清这笔债 Now how in the fuck am I supposed to get out of debt 我没法再说唱了 因为我刚干掉了二十六个字母 I can't rap anymore I just murdered the alphabet 毒瘾让我抽搐痉挛 Drug sickness got me doin' some bug twitches 所以我正在戒毒 可是血管却痒极了 I'm withdrawling from crack so bad my blood itches 不说唱 就没女人 I don't rap to get the women 操 贱婊 Fuck bitches 我还是要个胖女人 能做饭洗碗就好 Gimme a fat slut that cooks and does dishes 从不需要战友 Never ran with a clique 我孤身一人便是一支军队 I'm a posse 敢死队 Kamikaze 他妈的在我面前丢下一颗炸弹 Strappin' the mother fuckin' bomb accross me 自我出生那刻起 From the second I was born 我就不属于我妈 my mama lost me 我属于曼森Esham和奥齐 I'm a cross between manson-each ominozzi 我都忘了我他妈的为什么在这 I don't even know why the fuck I'm here in the first place. 地球灾祸始于我降生之日 The worst day on this earth was my first birthday. 智障 Retarded 护士怎么说 What did that nurse say? 脑损伤 Brain damage 妈的 老子就是出生于地震中要怎样 Fuck I was born during an earthquake 致所有我抽过的所有大麻 To all the weed that I've smoked, 哟 再来一根 Yo this blunt's for you. 致所有我攻击过的人 To all the people I've affended, 耶 操你妈 Yeah fuck you too. 致所有曾经的朋友 To all the friends I use to have, 我怀念成名前的弟兄们 I miss my past 但是其他那些混蛋全滚去死吧 But the rest of you assholes can kiss my ass. 致所有我吸过的毒 For all the drugs that I've done, 哟 我还要吸个够 Yo I'm still gonna do. 致所有我攻击过的人 To all the people I've affended, 耶 操你妈 Ya fuck you too. 每次回头看 Every time I reminist, 哟 我怀念成名前的时光 Yo I miss my past. 但我他妈的根本不在乎 But I still don't give a fuck, 你们全都可以滚去死 Ya'll can kiss my ass!