- Agnes Obel Promise Keeper 歌词
- Agnes Obel
黎明带走你的身体 Daylight took your body 带走你的眼睛和上肢 Took your eyes and your army 像疤痕一样消失 Just vanish like a bruise 失去你拥有的一切 And cost you all you had to lose 虚度人生吧 Dream away, dream away 一场数字游戏,你无人能及 You play like none do, a game of numbers 在你视线所能及的地方,信诺一直在 Promises to keep as far as the eyes can reach 我选择了一场命运游戏 A game of luck that I would choose 我将输掉一场光明的游戏 A game of light that I would lose 虚度人生吧 Dream away, dream away 一场数字游戏,将把我们击垮 A game of numbers, will take us under 你将如约离开我 You would leave me under oath 电闪雷鸣 Blazing thunder at all 你终要离我而去 You'll leave me under the sun 而我将会 And I'll 沉沦于深海的梦里 Dream of the sea 沉沦于深海的梦里 Dream of the sea 新启的黎明带走你的身体
带走你的思想和信念 A day alive can take your body 如脱轴的线一般 Can take your mind and your belief 离开前闭上你的双眼 Like a thread from a spool 虚度人生吧 Close your eyes before you lose 一场数字游戏,将把我们击垮 Dream away, dream away (time, time) 你将如约离开我 Game of numbers, will take us under 电闪雷鸣 You would leave me under oath 你将如约离开我 Blazing thunder at all 而我将 You'll leave me under the sun 沉沦于深海的梦里 And I'll 沉沦于深海的梦里 Dream of the sea Dream of the sea