- Priestiz DX3906 歌词
- Priestiz
- Prod by ThisisTK&受容体
Hook: Once upon a time 回首过去 Beyond time x2 时间之外
Verse 1: Right now I'm at the star you named after me 停泊在以我命名的恒星 Looking out of window 从星环号向舷窗外眺望 The Starry Night in silhouette 是如《星空》般的剪影 Underneath the tomb of light 光明的墓碑下 Hard to strengthen our beliefs 难以坚定信仰 Why we got this far without knowing what lied beneath 不知所谓地远行 忘记初衷 Three fairytales at lagrangian point 拉格朗日点重逢 三则童话 If I could see through and toss the right coin 若非我坐井观天 盲人掷币 Would everything be different now x2 如今的一切是否 天壤之别 We couldn't assume the history 如今我们已无法 假设历史 Back to 21st century 回归二十一世纪 痴人说梦 When flowers were still sensory 当繁花依旧带有沁人芳香 When miseries were momentary 当一切煎熬都只是短暂的
Hook: Once upon a time 回首过去 Beyond time x2 时间之外
Verse 2: Trembling child 颤颤巍巍的孩子 Lighted a fire on dark night 在黑夜中生起一簇火 Gambling ants 孤注一掷的蚁群 Misguided by wrong pheromone 被错误的费洛蒙误导 Not far away 不远处 The branches swayed 暗枝摇曳 It's time for a big meal “是时候饱餐一顿了” The hunters were awake 猎人们从沉睡中醒来 The countdown was closing in 眼看倒计时步步紧逼 A real invasion was not a game 真正的侵略空前来袭 not a game unprecedented 并非儿戏 Although they had access to higher dimensions 尽管它们能够进入更高的维度 Ideology was still a height beyond their reach 人类的意识形态依旧望尘莫及 Got the coldest sword clenched tightly 极寒之剑在手中紧握 In the face of greater challenge mighty 面对关乎命运的考验 Former enemies shown solidarity (solidarity) 过去的敌人紧紧相拥
Hook: Once upon a time 回首过去 Beyond time x2 时间之外
I let down all solemn expectation 我辜负了 庄严的期望 I'd been through tedious frustration 我经历了 冗长的挫折 I gave up divine obligation 我放弃了 神圣的使命 I fell in eternal desperation 我陷入了 永远的绝望...... Now there's no one to hear my confession 如今我的忏悔又该说给谁听 Five kilograms of hope into the unknown 捧着五公斤的希望沉入未知 黑暗中一束光 最后一丝希望 归还万物质量
Hook: Once upon a time 回首过去 Beyond time x2 时间之外