- Priestiz 祝我十七岁生日快乐 歌词
- Priestiz
- Prod by CodyCash&SHOBEATZ
Run and run and run x2 no no 童装最大码也穿不下 Can't fit in the XL size of children's apparels no no 大人的衣服又太松垮 But adult's are too baggy Before Seventeen 十七岁以前 I was daydreaming 像是白日梦 Someone always got your back 总有人是你的后盾 So you didn't really need to worry 所以你无忧也无虑 But everything had changed 但一切都不一样了 Baggage that I'm carrying 我肩上背负的包袱 is beyond seventeen 已远远超过十七岁 十七岁了 比起拥有超能力 At the age of 17 Compare to having superpower 我只想变隐形oh然后钻进人山人海里 I just want to turn invisible and fall into people mountain people sea haha 也不再沉迷某个movie scene No longer obsessed with a particular 电影情节 oh专注脚踏实地 Down-to-earth instead 开始理解敬业的父亲 Start to understand my father who's dedicated on his work 为什么选择忽视家庭 And why he chose to ignore his family 但还是无法忘记 However I'll never forget 您易变的坏情绪 Your fickle ill temper 小小的女孩字字斟酌怕你下一秒生气 A little girl weighed every word Afraid you'd be angry at the next second 如今大洋将我们分开 oh让彼此冷静 Now we're separated by the ocean It's a time for us to calm down 希望下次见面你能给我拥抱 I hope you'd give me a hug the next time I see you 还有那些闯入我生活又擅自离开的homies For the homies who came into my life but left alone 虽然很不理解但相信你们也有你们的顾虑 Although it's hard to understand, I'm sure you have your own concerns 只希望长大了以后 一个电话能把人叫齐 I just hope that when we grow up, you're all just one call away 调侃十七的自己 多傻现在全看清 Laughing about how stupid we were when we were 17 and now we've seen through hater们不允附议 把讲道理当童言无忌 To the haters who take second motion as childish nonsense 你只是需要个假想敌 来消磨消磨光阴 You just need an imaginary enemy to kill your wasted time Feel like everybody's leaving 就我停滞在原地 感觉所有人都在离去 Only I'm standing still 也许这就是原因 maybe I should keep on moving Perhaps that's the reason 可能我该继续前行 Before Seventeen 十七岁以前 I was daydreaming 像是白日梦 Someone always got your back 总有人是你的后盾 So you didn't really need to worry 所以你无忧也无虑 But everything had changed 但一切都不一样了 Baggage that I'm carrying 我肩上背负的包袱 is beyond seventeen 已远远超过十七岁 This song's for anybody who's turning seventeen 这首歌送给每位即将十七岁的你 Seventeen an age shall never conform to reality 十七岁 不愿向现实屈服的年龄 Being alienated just makes us more opinionated 孤立无援 只会让我们更固执己见 Meandering on the way 一路蜿蜒曲折 Lost some friends no I don't care 痛失些挚友 毫不在乎 Cause what's the point of growing if you can't do the things that you want 因为如果不能做自己想做的 成长又有何用 Putting lotus in the mud 将清莲置入泥泞之中 It'll come out as a warrior 它会出落成一位勇士 Have you ever considered what you gonna do if it's your last month 你是否考虑过 你会在人生最后一个月做什么 Although life is a circuit 尽管人生是个死循环 I'll live it like a savior 我将活得像个救世主 Live it like a savior 活得像个救世主 There's gonna be a harbor 一定会有避风港 Where you can get though all the barriers 一个助你渡危机 and reach that spiritual land x2 到达精神乐土的地方 x2 妈妈说只需留下 每一帧美好的回忆 Mama told me to only keep the good memories 但这不代表坏的就应该 统统被忘记 But it doesn't mean to let go the bad ones 幸运之神短暂缺席 赐予我们独特阅历 The temporary absence of luck offers us unique experiences 没什么可以比拟 那颗至死不渝的初心 Nothing can compare with the original aspiration It won't change till death 回到现实 烛光飘忽 Back to reality The candles flicker 五分之一的人生 One fifth of life 在这里落下帷幕 Came to an end 关上了灯 许一个愿 Turn off the lights and make a wish ... ... 祝大家不止生日快乐!