- Dos Monos BETTER DAYS 歌词
- Ali Dos Monos
- my youtube is full of debt
this crazy i don't even debt a yen その狭間で笑い飛ばす 不安 hardに all night belongs to me ファンクがsweetなら 乗るchariot, swing down 下すチャリ 時はかけず 願掛けはやめて ラップする 今日も light up, astro black 満たす頃 calling earth どうにか モノリスにしたいスピーカー I'm speaking on behalf of ra なんて、交わってないけど 代わりに来た デカく謳わない でもbelieve in そろそろ良いか 土星の衛星 パス回しは冷静にやる 話すやつの話はきこう let's get it on 兎と狼が手を取り踊る 寓話のDOLLが理想郷を彩る 箱庭の夢と見るか 明日の我々と見るか評決をとる 使う脳とレンズ取り替えな 平成OSアプデするsound チルく甘くシルクみたく 滑る言葉は焚語埋葬して 0コンマ先に御旗掴む 敵なき時代の虚無のビーチフラッグ 棄権するなら今だろ 無理に染まるな化石スタンダード ゲームの主権奪い返せ ジャスティス中毒のその先の荒野で 見逃すなゆるふわファッシの忍び足 持たざるものたちのプロテストをはじめようか Better days are coming soon Try the best to keep it cool, in No matter the weather World will try to keep you blue, but Try the best to keep it cool They don't know better Better days are coming soon Try the best to keep it cool, in No matter the weather World will try to keep you blue, but Try the best to keep it cool They don't know better 憂鬱捨てて生きれりゃ 俺らのRadioはGuerrilla 持て余す立っ端 忘れ方ばっか上手くなる 革命の歌 歌舞伎ばり睨みきかし 己が墓碑銘 刻みつけるまで 意識確かに いつものくれよ出雲阿国 please give it to me Je t'aime Femme fatale フラフラしてばっかのサムライみてぇな 腐乱した俺のファルス 四十どころかこの年で不惑とかまじで****だろ regime after corona resume our resistance 見えざる手零れ 溢れ出すpower 右下降下 歯向かってこうか please me, give it onto me Friends or foes Rain or shine Swear I'm gonna get her mine Gotta go on Now it's time to go on I'M WALKIN' IN THE LIGHT! WON'T LET THEM BRING ME DOWN! Better days are coming soon Try the best to keep it cool, in No matter the weather World will try to keep you blue, but Try the best to keep it cool They don't know better Better days are coming soon Try the best to keep it cool, in No matter the weather World will try to keep you blue, but Try the best to keep it cool They don't know better Better days are coming soon Try the best to keep it cool, in No matter the weather World will try to keep you blue, but Try the best to keep it cool They don't know better