- Ed Sheeran Don't 歌词
- Ed Sheeran
- Ah-la-la-la-la
啊 啦 啦 啦 啦
啊 啦 啦 啦 啦 Don't 去年我遇到了这个女孩 Ah-la-la-la-la 她说如果我消失不见你不用担心 I met this girl late last year 我告诉她这次我只想找到那个对的人相爱相配 She said don’t you worry if I disappear 我给一位老朋友打电话考虑着是否继续往坑里跳 I told her I’m not really looking for another mistake 果然一周后 I called an old friend thinking that the trouble would wait 我重蹈了覆辙 But then I jump right in 我想她只是玩玩 不会为情所困 A week later return 可我与她缠缠绵绵过两三夜后 I reckon she was only looking for a lover to burn 之后便将此情暂停在爱情之外 But I gave her my time for two or three nights 几个月前我曾仓皇逃开直到我们又偶然相遇 Then I put it on pause until the moment was right 她告诉我“我从未当你是玩玩而已” I went away for months until our paths crossed again 或许你该十点钟来我房间 She told me I was never looking for a friend 宝贝,带上些柠檬一瓶酒 Maybe you could swing by my room around 10 你我都会沉迷在一张床间通宵达旦 Baby bring a lemon and a bottle of gin 如果你希望跟我一起尽管直说 We’ll be in between the sheets until the late AM 她唱到 Baby if you wanted me then you should’ve just said 啊 啦 啦 啦 啦 She’s singing 别辜负了我 Ah-la-la-la-la 这颗心已伤痕累累 Don’t f*ck with my love 我手臂上还纹着 That heart is so cold 提防小心去爱的话 All over my arm 啊 啦 啦 啦 啦 I don’t wanna know that babe 别糟蹋我的爱 Ah-la-la-la-la 你心知肚明 Don’t f*ck with my love 所以又寻了新欢 I told her she knows 不过我根本不在意好伐 Take aim and reload 啊 啦 啦 啦 啦 I don’t wanna know that babe 这几周下来 Ah-la-la-la-la 我的眼里只有她 For a couple weeks I 我们欢饮数日 吃着外卖披萨 Only want to see her 在那之前只能发发短信联系她 We drink away the days with a take away pizza 可现在她呆在我家很享受我们一起的时光 Before a text message was the only way to reach her 唱着艾瑞莎的歌 Now she’s staying at my place and loves the way I treat her 沉迷到无法自拔 Singing out Aretha 无心睡着我也全心全意陪她 All over the track like a feature 可我和她 活计是同一类 Never want to sleep I guess that I don’t want to either 四个城市,两架飞机,同一天的疲惫 But me and her we make money the same way 演出忙碌 无关你我感情丝毫 Four cities, two planes the same day 或许我们该在一起谈谈如何解决这烦恼 Those shows have never been what it’s about 我倒宁愿陷在沙发里陪你看着电影嬉笑 But maybe we’ll go together and just figure it out 可你我却要各自赶时间 I’d rather put on a film with you and sit on the couch 在路上分道扬镳 But we should get on a plane 多想要记下在一起的点点滴滴 Or we’ll be missing it now 每分每秒 Wish I’d have written it down 可是见她吻着别人 The way that things played out 我是在摸不着头脑 When she was kissing him 现在她该知道为何我在这伤心的唱着 How? I was confused about 啊 啦 啦 啦 啦 She should figure it out while I’m sat here singing 莫辜负了我 Ah-la-la-la-la 这颗心已伤痕累累 Don’t f*ck with my love 我手臂上还纹着 That heart is so cold 提防小心去爱的话 All over my arm 啊 啦 啦 啦 啦 I don’t wanna know that babe 不要糟蹋我的 爱 Ah-la-la-la-la 你心知肚明 Don’t f*ck with my love 所以又寻了新欢 I told her she knows 不过我根本不在意好伐 Take aim and reload 啊 啦 啦 啦 啦 I don’t wanna know that babe 她敲着我酒店的门 Ah-la-la-la-la 我想不通她为何还来找我 *Knock knock knock* on my hotel door 她靠在我的肩膀上哭着 I don’t even know if she knows what for 我早就说过 She was crying on my shoulder 信任和尊重是爱的基础 I already told ya 我从来没想对感情三心二意 Trust and respect is what we do this for 可你居然跟别人睡了 一切玩完咯 I never intended to be next 我从未以为他会威胁到你我 But you didn’t need to take him to bed that’s all 直到你消失不见和他同床欢爱 And I never saw him as a threat 我们又没各自在搞巡回演出 Until you disappeared with him to have *** of course 我们这尼玛还住在酒店的同一层好么 It’s not like we were both on tour 我不乞求天长地久 也没想要一生一世 We were staying on the same ******* hotel floor 但你这样太过分了你真的变了好多 And I wasn’t looking for a promise or commitment 你一直说是自己的错 一时失足? 骗谁呢 But it was never just fun and I thought you were different 说实话 你做的真的太过了 一切都太晚了 This is not the way you realize what you wanted 这次只有天知道我唱着什么 It’s a bit too much, too late if I’m honest 啊 啦 啦 啦 啦 All this time God knows I’m singing 莫辜负了我 Ah-la-la-la-la 这颗心已伤痕累累 Don’t f*ck with my love 我手臂上还纹着 That heart is so cold 提醒小心去爱的话 All over my arm 啊 啦 啦 啦 啦 I don’t wanna know that babe 别糟蹋我的爱 Ah-la-la-la-la 你心知肚明 Don’t f*ck with my love 所以又寻了新欢 I told her she knows 不过我根本不在意好伐 Take aim and reload 啊 啦 啦 啦 啦 I don’t wanna know that babe 莫辜负了我 Ah-la-la-la-la 这颗心已伤痕累累 Don’t f*ck with my love 我手臂上还纹着 That heart is so cold 提醒小心去爱的话 All over my arm 啊 啦 啦 啦 啦 I don’t wanna know that babe 别糟蹋我的爱 Ah-la-la-la-la 你心知肚明 Don’t f*ck with my love 所以又寻了新欢 I told her she knows 你还是找别人去做接盘侠啵! Take aim and reload 啊 啦 啦 啦 啦 I don’t wanna know that babe Ah-la-la-la-la