- Fleet Foxes Someone You'd Admire 歌词
- Fleet Foxes
- Someone You'd Admire
After all is said and done I feel the same 我已经拼尽所有,但一切还是一如既往 (Pecknold<主唱>希望在经历这一系列变故之后,自己能有所蜕变成长;但是事违人愿,大概生活一向如此) All that I hoped would change within me stayed 那是我迫切想改变的,却终究深深根植于我的内在 Like a huddled moon-lit exile on the shore 而这一切同千年以前蜷缩在月光海岸边的流亡者的天性如出一辙, Warming his hands, a thousand years ago 他搓手取暖,不过畏惧严寒。 I walk with others in the yearning to get out 内心深处,我同他在交战不休,渴望着破茧而出 (“他在” 独立于“自在”意识的存在;杂念;人性的多面) Claw at my skin and gnash their teeth and shout 我们扭打纠缠,咬牙切齿,怒吼咆哮 One of them wants only to be someone you'd admire 在这众多的意识和杂念间,有的会自在超越,变成你所仰慕 One would as soon just throw you on the fire 而有的却将你推入深渊,最终万劫不复 After all is said and after all is done 我已经拼尽所有,无所保留 God only knows which of them I'll become 唯有上帝明了我将何去何从