- Nik Kershaw The Riddle 歌词
- Nik Kershaw
- Nik Kershaw
Nik Kershaw The Riddle 谜语
我拥有强健的双臂 i got two strong arms 拥有巴比伦的庇佑 blessings of babylon 时光流转 with time to carry on 罪恶与错误鞭挞着 and try 我不断尝试 for sins and false alarms 于是,美利坚勇敢 so to america the brave 聪明的人活了下来 wise men save 在河畔的树旁 near a tree by a river 地上有个洞 there's a hole in the ground 里面是个年迈的老农 where an old man of aran 他走来踱去 goes around and around 夜幕中 and his mind is a beacon 他的心是一盏明灯 in the veil of the night 出于一种奇异的风尚 for a strange kind of fashion 他亦正亦邪 there's a wrong and a right 可他从未,从未为你而战 but he'll never, never fight over you 我为我们准备了计划 i got plans for us 那些洗碗槽的夜 nights in the scullery 那些取代我的白昼 and days instead of me 我只知道,我们探讨的 i only know what to discuss 不是别的,只有光 of for anything but light 聪明的人为你而战 wise men fighting over you 不像我 it's not me you see 不像你当作情人的我 pieces of valentine 我仅仅用一首自己的歌 with just a song of mine 来埋葬燃烧的岁月 to keep from burning history 来埋葬石油和黄金的季节 seasons of gasoline and gold 聪明的人蜷曲 wise men fold 在河畔的树旁 near a tree by a river 地上有个洞 there's a hole in the ground 里面是个年迈的老农 where an old man of aran 他走来踱去 goes around and around 夜幕中 and his mind is a beacon 他的心是一盏明灯 in the veil of the night 出于一种奇异的风尚 for a strange kind of fashion 他亦正亦邪 there's a wrong and a right 可他从未,从未为你而战 but he'll never, never fight over you 不需要你们来计划 i got time to kill 我有时间去杀死 sly looks in corridors 走廊上一张张狡黠的面孔 without a plan of yours 有只黑鸟在蓝鸟山上歌唱 a blackbird sings on bluebird hill 唱着大自然的赞歌 thanks to the calling of the wild 聪明人的孩子 wise mens child 在河畔的树旁
地上有个洞 [02:53]near a tree by a river 里面是个年迈的老农 [02:55]there's a hole in the ground 他走来踱去 [02:57]where an old man of aran 夜幕中 [03:00]goes around and around 他的心是一盏明灯 [03:02]and his mind is a beacon 出于一种奇异的风尚 [03:04]in the veil of the night 他亦正亦邪 [03:07]for a strange kind of fashion 可他从未,从未为你而战 [03:09]there's a wrong and a right 在河畔的树旁 [03:32][03:11]but he'll never, never fight over you 地上有个洞