- Katy Perry Growing Pains 歌詞
- Katy Perry
- You would think that I could find a simple song, a photograph of mine
你認為我會做一個乖乖女選擇一首簡單的歌曲 To show this public eye, what I have to offer 為了向公眾展示,我可以唱出怎樣的歌曲呢 I may not have a PHD, or speak in eloquent philosophy! 我也許沒拿到博士學位,也無法運用哲學知識陳述 I' m nothing more than simply me you see! 可你面前的這個我便是最真實簡單的 What I am trying to say 我想要表達的是 I'm just a babe in so many ways! 我在許多方面還表現地像個孩子 I'm still growing, still stretching 我正在成長,時時接觸新鮮事物 Still breaking in these new shoes 不善於墨守成規 Looking for a way to make a mark of my own 企圖烙上專屬自己的印跡 I'm just a spring chick, wet behind the ears 我猶如初生的雞仔,乳臭未乾 It's a part of life so there's no need to fear 但這是漫長人生的一部分,我們沒有必要害怕 These growing pains that I'm going through 我正經歷著這些成長的煩惱 I don't regret, I'm not ashamed that I haven't yet begun to speaketh ways 從來不因貧乏的語言技巧而感到遺憾或是慚愧 (As the wisest of men)oh perhaps some day( 去做一個善於交際的人)也許某天我會如此 But for now I'm grateful to be a part of the family tree, while The Man upstairs does His work on me 在父親開導我之後,我現在更願意做一個普通人 It's a job that may take eternity to complete 這是一項艱鉅的目標 Just when I've learned all I can, those growing Pains up and kick on in again! 可當我變得世俗後,這些成長的煩惱又再一次侵襲 I'm still growing, still stretching 我仍在成長,想方設法地融入社會 Still breaking in these new shoes 一次次超越自我 Looking for a way to make a mark of my own 妄想在繁雜的生活中有一席之地 I'm just a spring chick, wet behind the ears 我猶如初生的雞仔,不知天高地厚 It's a part of life so there's no need to fear 但這是漫長人生的一部分,我們沒有必要恐懼 These growing pains that I'm going through 我正經歷著這些成長的煩惱 Time after time, one more time and again, will it ever end? 數次重複糾纏,它是否有結束的一天 It's the lessons in our lives that make us wise 這就是人生課題,我們會因此變得更加睿智 But young or old I am told it's the same 有人告誡我,不論年輕還是年邁它時刻都在 Oh, these growing pains never go away, so I'll just keep on trying 這些成長的煩惱從來不會離開,所以我會繼續嘗試的 What I am trying to say 我想要表達的是 I'm just a babe in so many ways! 我在許多方面還表現地像個孩子 I'm still growing, still stretching 我會一直成長下去,尋求人生真正的含義 Still breaking in these new shoes 堅持己見,勇於突破 Looking for a way to make a mark of my own 不被禁錮,活出真實的自我 I'm just a spring chick, wet behind the ears 我猶如初生的雞仔,願我永遠不知天高地厚 It's a part of life so there's no need to fear 這是漫長人生的一部分,我們應當勇往直前 These growing pains that I'm going through 我正要打敗這些成長的煩惱 These growing pains 這些令人討厭的煩惱啊 Oh, baby don't worry about a thang! 親愛的,這場戰役無關輸贏 thank you very much ! thank you ! thank you ! 謝謝啦!