- SAFIA maybe you'll love again 歌詞
- Lately when I search this hole it's empty
近來我搜尋這空空洞穴 Floating with the tide though I can't tell 隨波逐流的時光讓人難以啟齒 Every single line gets tossed and heavy 每一次獨自離開都徒增輾轉和沈重 Sifting through the darkness of my cell 它們過濾自我寒舍的陰霾 You know when it's cold we'll do whatever 瑟瑟發抖時,你知道我們將要做些什麼 Climbing to the mountaintops we fell 那就是登上我們曾經跌落的山崖 Careful 'cause there's more that you'll endeavor 當心,這裡需要你付出更多的努力 Careful 'cause there's more of you as well 但同樣,這裡也會給你更多的收穫 Maybe we need love right now 此刻你我都需要一些關愛 You don't need to look the other way 你亦無需尋找其他途徑 I know that you're healing 我知道你正在治愈 Searching for a feeling 正在尋找一種感覺 As you try to find the words to say 並努力用言語表達出來 If you see a raincloud coming into wash the stars away 如果你看見雨雲壓近,洗盡了滿天星辰 Know that you're still breathing 你只要知道呼吸不會就此停止 There's no point in leaving 這也無關於捨棄和離別 Maybe if you're lonely 也許你依然感覺很孤單 Maybe you should know me 也許你可以想起我 Maybe you'll love again 也許你就能再次擁抱愛情
近來,我感到心情逐漸穩定 Lately when I feel this heart it's steady 沉著的感覺瀰漫胸口 Seeping through my chest to my lapel 將我孤立的人一定是出於嫉妒 Pulling me apart it must be envy 我可以看見他踏出的那條平行的路徑 I can see the paths in parallel 也許越是挫折,我們會越是緊密 Maybe when it's hard we glue together 紮根於那創痛拋下的錨 Built upon the anchor of a scar 每一次新的探索我們就能掙脫一條鎖鏈 Every time we start we lose a tether 直到我穿破黑暗,找到你的藏身之處 Take me through the dark to where you are 也許此刻你我都需要一段新的愛情 Maybe we need love right now 你也無需尋找其他通途 You don't need to look the other way 我知道你正在治愈 I know that you're healing 正在尋找一種感覺 Searching for a feeling 並努力用言語表達出來 As you try to find the words to say 如果你看見雨雲壓近,洗盡了滿天星辰 If you see a raincloud coming into wash the stars away 你只要知道呼吸不會就此停止 Know that you 're still breathing 這也無關於捨棄和離別 There's no point in leaving 也許你依然感覺很孤單 Maybe if you're lonely 也許你可以想起我 Maybe you should know me 也許你就能再次擁抱愛情 Maybe you'll love again