- Yelawolf SA B日NA 歌詞
- Yelawolf
- I woke up from a deep sleep
午夜驚醒 I must have had a nightmare 一定是夢魔纏身了 But I really cannot remember 但很難想起噩夢的內容 My heart was beating out of my chest 心臟砰砰直跳,快要蹦出胸腔 And I was cold, I must of let the window crack 寒氣滲入骨髓,我一定是沒關緊窗戶 Funny, 5th of September 才9月5日,真有意思 And the winter's coming back 寒冬已經逼近了 The house is unusually quiet 房子靜得不同尋常 And I'm wondering where Sabrina's at 好奇小塞布麗娜又鑽到哪兒去了 By this time at eight o'clock 照理說8點之前 She would have been pullin' on my blanket 她就該竄進我的毛毯 Saying daddy 'I want some cereal' 邊撒嬌邊說:“爸爸,我想要麥片粥” Wondering where her mommy's at 她媽媽又去哪兒了呢 My door is wide open 房門空敞著 I can hear the breeze hit the curtains 微風輕撫窗簾的聲音傳入耳畔 Wind chime hangin' on the front porch singing 門廊外寒氣呼嘯 Sabrina must be asleep 孩子肯定睡著了 I pull back the sheets 我拉上簾幕 Get up and walk to her room in the hall 從床上翻起來向她的臥室走去 Not a peep not a sound not at all 一片漆黑,噤若寒蟬,感覺不太正常 The anxiety of a father is settin' in 父親的焦慮讓我如坐針氈 As I turn the corner to her room 走過拐角進入她的房間 Her Mickey Mouse blanket's on the floor 米老鼠毛毯落在地上 She isn't in the bed 她卻不見了 I take a deep breath, put my hand on my head 我倒吸了一口涼氣,雙手扶在額頭上 Relax 冷靜冷靜 It's a game of hide and seek 是在和我玩捉迷藏吧 She's in the closet I know it 知道她肯定躲在衣櫥裡 I open the door 我猛地打開衣櫥櫃門 Gotcha! '哈哈,抓到你了! ' She isn't there 她不在這兒 The faint sound of the television from downstairs 樓下的電視機傳來微弱響聲 Is playing some cartoons 正在播動畫片 She's on the couch of course 這孩子肯定在沙發上看電視吧 How did I oversleep? 我怎麼睡過頭了 Baby girl why didn't you come wake up daddy? 寶貝女兒你沒試著叫醒我麼 Nodded response 搖了搖昏睡的頭 Fear turned to frustration 恐懼變成了失落 Sabrina, answer me 小塞布麗娜,回答我啊 'Brina, this isn' t funny 塞布麗娜,這樣可不好玩 I ran to the couch, she's not there 我向沙發跑去,不在這兒 I'm startin' to panic and I'm lookin' up everywhere 恐慌的我到處亂竄 Guest rooms, bath rooms, cabinets 客廳,浴室,櫥櫃 Under the tables, the attic 桌底,閣樓 Wait a minute oh god no 等等,天啊別這樣 I know she wouldn't go outside 我知道她不可能跑出去的 We live so far back in the woods 我們住在這麼深的幽林裡 She wouldn't dare 她肯定不敢一個人跑出去 It's too scary for a little girl just to go bye-bye 對一個小姑娘來說太可怕了 I'm trying to escape my mind's eye 我盡力讓自己不要瞎想 But my imagination is runnin' wild 但恐懼的思維已開始狂奔 At this point I'm talkin' to god 我開始向上帝祈禱 'Please lord '主啊 Please I'm scared help me find my child' 我害怕,請您幫我找回我的心肝吧' I run to the basement (Sabrina!) 跑向地下室(塞布麗娜!) Sweat beads on my hands 汗珠在我的手上滾動 Pacin', thinkin', pacin', thinkin' 踱步,回想,踱步,回想 Turn my face in 突然轉過頭來 The screen door to the backyard's ajar 後院的紗門微掩著 I run to the swingset 我奔向鞦韆 Swingset? No 鞦韆上?不在 Sandbox? No 郵箱裡?不在 God dammit Sabrina where'd you go? 天哪塞布麗娜你到底在哪兒? There's a trail to a pond that I take her to everyday 每天都會帶她走過一條小徑去池塘邊 Maybe she's down there 也許她在那兒 I run down the trail it's about 100 yards 狂奔過100碼長的小徑 We usually hang out on the pier 以前常在那塘邊碼頭上陪她嬉戲 And as I get close in 當我漸漸靠近時 Everything moves slow motion 一切都成了慢鏡頭 Her little white shirt on the surface of the water 白色小襯衫漂在水面上 She was there, lifeless floating (Oh my god) 她也浮著,奄奄一息(上帝啊!) The pain I can't explain I couldn't see anything 無法形容的痛燒灼著我,眼前一片空白 I ran to the water 我撲進水中 God is this really my daughter? 上帝啊!這是我女兒嗎? I picked her up, she was heavy 抱起她,她如此沉重 I held her tight in my arms 雙臂緊緊地掂著她瘦小的軀幹 I took her out of the pond 抬著她走出魚塘 I laid her down on the grass 放在草地上讓她平躺著 I couldn't breath I gasped 我喘著氣難以呼吸 Givin' her CPR, she wasn't respondin' to it 做著心臟復甦,她毫無反應 My phone in my pocket 手機就在兜里 My hands are shakin' 雙手顫抖 My vision's blurry 視線模糊 9-1-1 , send an ambulance in a hurry 撥打911叫救護車 But it was too late 但一切都完了 No tellin' how long she wasn't breathing 不知她窒息多久 Her skin was the color purple 皮膚已經發紫 Her lips were ice cold 雙唇冷似寒冰 She must have fell of the pier 肯定是為了撿泰迪熊 Reachin' for her teddy bear 從鞦韆上摔了下來 She tried to get out she got wood under her nails 她曾掙扎著想逃上岸,指甲縫裡滿是木屑 God what did you do to us? 上帝啊,你為何降災於我們? ! What have we done? I say my prayers at night 我已在夜晚祈禱,我做錯什麼了? ! Haven't I been a good son? 難道我還不夠忠誠嗎? ! What did you to do my baby? 看看你對我的心肝寶貝做了些什麼? ! She's mine now give her back 快還給我,他是我的! You don't deserve her if you let her die like that! 如果讓她這樣慘死你就壓根配不上她!