- MC Hammer Addams Groove 歌詞
- MC Hammer
- They do what they wanna do, say what they wanna say
看看他們做他們想做的說自己想說的 Live how they wanna live, play how they wanna play 活出自己想要的樣子玩出自己的花樣生活 Dance how they wanna dance, kick and the slap a friend 跳自己的舞蹈何必去附和他人 The addams family 亞當斯一家
你要知道現在雖然挺冷 Now I was cold coolin', you know 只要在屋子里四處遊蕩 Just kickin' it around the house 你聽到些許敲擊聲了嗎 When a knock, a knock, a knock and a voice yo 是沙錘的聲音嗎? Can hammer come out? 嘿伙計願意加我一個嗎 Now I don't mind being a friend 我們可以聊聊過往趣事 And showin' a little bit of flava 這週三pugsley, gomez 會組織場派對 But wednesday, pugsley, gomez, fester 雖說舉辦者都是奇怪的鄰居們 Man, them some strange neighbours 但他們做他們想做的說自己想說的 They do what they wanna do, say what they wanna say 按他們自己喜歡的方式而活玩自己想玩的 Live how they wanna live, play how they wanna play 跳著自己喜歡的舞蹈有時還會跳著踢踏舞 Dance how they wanna dance, kick and the slap a friend 亞當斯一家 The addams family 我還記得那天我去借東西的日子
一點辣椒 I remember the day I needed to borrow 接下來的事你也明白 A little of pepper 畢竟我比較懶 The next thing you know, comin' at me 不得不玩在一起 Was a hand with the fingers high steppin' 正當我玩的很盡興的時候 Now I tried to play it along 突然間我看到了一個滿頭燙髮的人 And act like I was havin' a ball 站在三英尺高的台上 But what do I seea perm with feet 做自己想做的事唱自己令自己盡興的事 Standin' about three feet tall 不必擔憂他人的目光做自己愛做的事
跳著不合群的舞跳著獨創的踢踏舞 They do what they wanna do, say what they wanna say 亞當斯一家 Live how they wanna live, play how they wanna play 喜歡討論與思考 Dance how they wanna dance, kick and the slap a friend 例如錘子放在何處 The addams family 聽起來很傻看起來就像是愚夫思考的事
誰知道下一個是不是輪到我 Speakin' and thinkin' about the addams 現在集中思想不要被帶偏 You know the hammer is with it 保持自己的意念 Act a fool, no bones, swooop, goofy and randy 把那該死的傲嬌放一邊 You know we kick it 就像他們一樣嘿!真是好極了
做自己想做的事實行自己的計劃 Now is the time to get in your mind 活在自己的世界里以自己的方式活著 It's ok to be yourself 跳著自己的舞步順著自己的曲調
亞當斯一家 Take foolish pride and put it aside 做什麼都有自己的主意 Like the addams, yo! they def 很合法(雖說一定要按別人的步調走) They do what they wanna do, say what they wanna say 這也是合法的事 Live how they wanna live, play how they wanna play 亞當斯一家 Dance how they wanna dance, kick and the slap a friend 我知道你們要說什麼 The addams family 我都明白
不必活在別人眼下 too legit 不必按別人的勸導下而活 too legit 嘿~走自己的獨木橋 too legit 讓別人說去吧
感謝那些曾經幫助過你的人 The addams family 別急著細數未來要跳的坑洞 You know what I'm saying, the addams 嗯哼 too legit 就像是這樣 too legit talkin' 'bout the addams now 啊哈 too legit I'm saying it's the addams now 說了這麼多你也應該明白了 Yo! take to the bridge 做自己想做的不必隨風逐流 Oh yeah, yeah 活出自己的樣子做自己想做的 Thank you fester 活出自己的樣子不要在意別人的眼光
做自己 Oh, this is the addams groove right here, ha ha 不在意別人的眼光
又不是不合法 yeah yeah 做自己就好了
眼見為實耳聽為虛 just like that 你看到什麼既是什麼
做自己想做的說自己想說的 oh yeah 活出自己的樣子不成為別人的木偶
跳出自己的舞步彈奏屬於自己的樂章 you know you gotta fully understand 自己亦是自我
心懷感恩踏上獨木橋走上自己的人生 They do what they wanna do, say what they wanna say 謝謝謝謝能夠聽我說這麼多 Live how they wanna live, play how they wanna play 走自己的獨木橋讓別人說去吧 Dance how they wanna dance, kick and the slap a friend 活出自我不要壓抑在別人口舌之下 The addams family 跳出自己的舞步演奏屬於自己的篇章 too legit 感謝身邊的人有他們才有你
too legit
too legit I'm tellin' you I saw the hand thing, man, I saw They do what they wanna do, say what they wanna say Live how they wanna live, play how they wanna play Dance how they wanna dance, kick and the slap a friend The addams family
Yeah, thank you fester, I needed to go back to the bridge again Thank you , thank you, now check this out
They do what they wanna do, say what they wanna say Live how they wanna live, play how they wanna play Dance how they wanna dance, kick and the slap a friend The addams family