- Vylet Pony The Colossus 歌詞
- Vylet Pony
- 編曲: Vylet Pony
濁霧於高牆塗滿嘆息 (Vylet)Outside the city 狂風呼喚著我的名字 The aerosol winds paint walls of pity 巨像肅守著時間長河 A howling gale calls out my name 唯時間是我們所得 The Colossus stands as tall as time 長路朦朧 Oh time, it's all we have 地道彼端迴響無窮 Down the road 匿與尋 An underpass fates us an endless echo 於混凝土的草甸中 Hide and seek 我們芸芸眾生趨利避害 In the concrete meadow 烙印在思想的囚籠 All our lives now to escape the sinister doldrums “所有王國都注定隕落!” Branded by a notion 一個聲音鏗鏘而咄 (The Old Man)“All kingdoms are destined to fall!” “巨像不曾知曉悲憫” A voice cries out and says “而生命將延續存活” “The Colossus knows no tragedy, life goes on instead” “戰爭已止不見硝煙” — “世界卻仍無法安眠” (Various Citizens)“The war had ended long ago, “希望獨存於子午之間” but the world still can't find peace” “遺落已久的世外桃源” “Only hope is found in Meridian, the long lost golden fleece” 黑暗中搖曳 — 是那我們所知的一切 (Rayna)Twinkling in the dark 群星銘刻我們的凡軀 Everything we thought we knew 我們是如此渺小須臾 The stars remind our mortality 寰宇都為我們憐泣 We're so small that it seems The universe cries for us “歡迎來到歡愉巫術與流言之都” — “在這慾望之地勿失自我” ( Citizen)“Welcome to the city of satisfaction, sorcery and talk” 他說道並再次喝咄: (The Old Man)“Find yourself delayed in the land of urge” “所有王國都注定隕落! ” He says, and shouts again: 他聲洪如鐘目光如炬 “All kingdoms are destined to fall!” “在這慾望與預言之域” He warns, his eyes are shot “你們的答案由此而去” “In the land of lust and prophecy, your solution begins right here”