- The Clash something about England 歌詞
- The Clash
- They say immigrants steal the hubcaps
他們說是那些移民 Of the respected gentlemen 讓可敬的紳士們吃了虧 They say it would be wine an' roses 他們說這裡將滿是美酒和玫瑰 If England were for Englishmen again 如果把英國還給英國人的話 I saw a dirty overcoat 望遠處看一件臟兮兮的大衣 At the foot of the pillar of the road 在路邊燈柱的下面 Propped inside was an old man 裡面裹著一位老人 Whom time would not erode 精神矍鑠 When the night was snapped by sirens 當寧靜的夜晚被警報聲打碎 Those blue lights circled past 一輛輛警車從身邊繞過 The dance hall called for an' ambulance 舞廳的人們喊來了救護車 The bars all closed up fast 酒吧急忙地趕走了客人 My silence gazing at the ceiling 我沉默不語盯著天花板 While roaming the single room 在房間裡不停踱步 I thought the old man could help me 我覺得老人能夠幫助我 If he could explain the gloom 疏解我的煩憂 You really think it's all new “ 你真的覺得社會煥然一新了?” You really think about it too “ 你真的那樣認真想過? ” The old man scoffed as he spoke to me 老人說著,不禁冷笑 I'll tell you a thing or two “ 我講些故事給你聽聽” I missed the fourteen-eighteen war 我躲過了殘酷的一戰 But not the sorrow afterwards 卻難逃接踵而至的不幸 With my father dead and my mother ran off 父親戰死母親離家而去 My brothers took the pay of hoods 哥哥們辛苦拉扯我長大 The twenties turned the north was dead 二十年代剛到北方就發生了巨變 The hunger strike came marching south 絕食抗議和示威遊行向南部擴散 At the garden party not a word was said 貴族們在園遊會上卻隻字不提 The ladies lifted cake to their mouths 女士們繼續大快朵頤美味的糕點 The next war began and my ship sailed 接著二次世界大戰爆發我乘上戰艦出征 With battle orders writ in bed 床頭壓著戰鬥命令和軍令狀 In five long years of bullets and shells 戰火紛飛總算在漫長的五年中活下來 We left ten million dead 身後留下千萬俱冰冷的屍體 The few returned to old Piccadilly 很少人能活著回到老皮卡迪利大街 We limped around Lester Square 我們只好在倫敦的萊斯特廣場上跛行流浪 The world was busy rebuilding itself 世界正忙著從戰爭中恢復 The architects could not care 偉大的造物主對我們也毫不在乎 But how could we know when I was young 試想那時年少無知的我 All the changes that were to come? 又怎麼能想到將來會發生什麼? All the photos in the wallets on the battlefield 錢包裡的親人相片散落在戰場的灰燼上 And now the terror of the scientific sun 新式武器的恐怖陰雲籠罩在人們頭頂 There was masters an' servants an' servants an' dogs 高貴的主人和低賤的僕人,低賤的僕人和狗 They taught you how to touch your cap 他們若尤其是地教導你如何去遵守禮節 But through strikes an' famine an' war an' peace 然而,經過無數的罷工和飢荒、戰爭與和平 England never closed this gap 英國從未縮小社會差距,從而變得美好起來 So leave me now the moon is up 你走吧,天已經黑了 But remember all the tales I tell 但請務必銘記我上面所說的故事 The memories that you have dredged up 這些從腦海裡找出來的苦痛回憶 Are on letters forwarded from hell 都是自地獄轉寄而來的 The streets were now deserted 街上空寂無人 The gangs had trudged off home 連夜晚活動的地痞流氓們也歸了家 The lights clicked off in the bedsits 狹窄的房間裡,人們把燈光滅去 Old England was all alone 深夜裡,古老的英國孤寂難堪