- Taylor Swift I Know Places 歌詞
- Taylor Swift
- You stand with a hand on my waist line
你站在那手輕握住我的腰身 Good to see that we're out in blank side 很高興看到我們已身處事外 I can hear them whisper as we pass by 當我們悄然經過時他們的竊竊私語不絕於耳 It's a bad sign, bad sign 這可不是什麼好兆頭看起來大事不好 Something happens when everybody finds out 什麼事情正在密謀每個人都意識到了 See the vulture circling in dark cloud 看吧禿鷹在烏雲之中盤旋 Love's a fragile little flame, it could burn out 愛就像脆弱的小火苗它隨時能在風中搖曳殆盡 It could burn out 愛的燭焰將要燃盡 Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes 因為他們全副武裝帶著捕獸籠設下了天羅地網 And guns, they are the hunters, we are the foxes 他們手握著槍支就像獵人一般而我們好似待宰的羔羊 And we run 我們要逃離這機關暗算 Baby I know places we won't be found and they'll be chasing our trace tryin' to track us down 親愛的我知道一些藏身之地能佑我們不被發現他們狡猾如獵犬追踪著我們的痕跡妄圖找到我們 Cause I, I know places we can hide, I know places 但他們絕不會得逞因為我知道許多絕妙的地方供我們藏身 Lights flash on the run for the fences 燈光閃爍照映著我們翻越藩籬 Let them say what they want, we won't hear it 隨他們指指點點吧我們才不會在乎 Lose sleep, swing ship, all the damn time, not this time 禍從口出言多必失他們抓住時機想把我們擊垮但這次可行不通 Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it 別擔心緊握住我的手千萬不要放開 My love, they are the hunters, we are the foxes 親愛的他們機關算盡我們是他們的目標 And we run 我們要逃離這恢恢羅網 Baby I know places we won't be found and they'll be chasing our trace tryin' to track us down 親愛的我知道一些隱秘之處能護我們暫時周全他們狡猾如獵犬追踪著我們的痕跡妄圖找到我們 Cause I, I know places we can hide, I know places 但他們絕不會得逞因為我知道許多絕妙的地方供我們藏身 They are the hunters, we are the foxes 親愛的他們要趕盡殺絕我們是他們唯一的獵物 And we run 我們難道就要亡命天涯 Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it 別害怕抓緊我的手可不要鬆開 My love 親愛的 Baby I know places we won't be found and they' ll be chasing their tails tryin' to track us down 我知道一些隱匿之境能保護我們逃離災難而他們自作聰明最終只能被我們耍得團團轉 Cause I, I know places we can hide, I know places 但他們絕不會得逞因為我知道許多絕妙的地方供我們藏身 They take their shots, we're bulletproof 面對槍林彈雨我們無所畏懼因愛而刀槍不入 I know places 因為我知道許多藏身之地 And you know for me it's always you 你知道的你是我的唯一赴湯蹈火在所不辭 I know places 因為我知道許多隱秘之地 And you're dead at night, your eyes so grey 夜深人靜看著你幽幽雙眼我充滿了勇氣 I know places 因為我知道許多隱匿之境 And I know for you it's always me 我也知道我會成為你的唯一我們會渡過難關 I know places 共同登上愛的諾亞方舟