- Nick Mulvey First Mind 歌詞
- Nick Mulvey
- Late in the evening I think upon
你與我在那猶如世外桃源的美好日子 You and I on the tree and the stone 我對你的愛慕是如此自然
自詡著我們將過上那烏托邦式的生活 My love for you is natural 自詡著自由救贖的形式
為何我們卻不曾深思熟慮 Self evident like the tree and the stone 當我們彼此都異口同聲想道
第一直覺是最為準確的 Self assured freedom of form 堅定不移始終如一
就讓那涓涓細流緩緩流淌心間流淌著 Why would we ever second guess 多少次我們將驚愕於這種想法
每一輪明星猶如冉冉升起的熾陽 When we both say the first mind is best 我將引導著未來 Steadily we become 你也將陪同著我共同引領
深陷於這無形力量的桎梏之中 So let it run let it run 與那一輪明月共舞
就讓那潮汐時漲時落 And how many times must we be stunned 而你也將重歸與我的臂膀之間
回到我的身邊吧 Every star is a rising sun 吾愛就請讓我重歸於你的懷抱中吧
I'll be leading on
You be leading on
Stuck with the forces And spin with the moon
Pull in the tides And you back to me soon
Back to me soon
Darling I pull back to me soon