- Drake Right Hand 歌詞
- Drake
- You're my right hand, you're my go to
你就是我的摯愛是我追隨的方向【Right Hand的原意是得力助手或無可取代的人,在這裡指的就是女朋友】 Told me everything about you 把你的一切都告訴我吧~ That's a bold move 這對你來說可是個勇敢的舉措【Drizzy經常抱怨說自己缺乏女孩的信任】 I know that you're out here 我知道你就在不遠處等著我 And there's things you gotta go through 你要經受住所有的考驗 Just know that these streets just don't love you like I do 你要明白再無人若我般愛你 And they never will 再也不會有像我這般愛你 But I swear you gotta chill 我發誓會給你放鬆享受的生活【Drizzy喜歡的女孩有著崇高的理想總為事業忙個不停】 You wanna grip Benz wheel 你渴望擁有一輛豪華奔馳 And I know you can't wait 我也知道你迫不及待 You dream big and sleep late 你每天起早貪黑為你的偉大夢想努力著 You got a lot on your plate 常常自顧不暇每天忙得不可開交 That's why you're always working out 也許這就是你事業一帆風順的原因吧 Taking pictures of yourself 給自己來張自拍吧 You don't see anybody else 你總是那般目中無人 You're like oh well 你就是那樣完美無缺 You're like fuck it oh well 就連頭髮也是那麼順滑~ My past behind me like a pony tail 哇喔~ 走到你身後發現你的馬尾辮真是可愛迷人 But you're my right hand , you're my go to 你就是我的摯愛是我追隨的方向 Told me everything about you 把你的一切都告訴我吧~ That's a bold move 這對你來說可是個勇敢的舉措 I know that you're out here 我知道你就在不遠處等著我 And there's things you gotta go through 你要經受住所有的考驗 Just know that these streets just don't love you like I do 你要明白再無人若我般愛你 And they never will 再也不會有像我這般愛你 Ok I know you want the Audi 我知道奔馳還不足夠你還想有輛奧迪【這裡的奧迪是比奔馳高一檔次的豪車,高端奧迪起售價超過10萬美元】 I know you want to go to Maui 想去夏威夷的毛伊島度個假 You and all your girlfriends 順便帶上閨蜜們一起去 The ones you never bring around me 甚至把我不認識的女孩們通通帶上【因為缺乏女朋友的信任 她從不會讓Drizzy去認識她的閨蜜們】 Cause you don't trust me like your last man 就因為你不相信 我就是你的真命天子? Did he open doors for ya? 難道他為你敞開心門了嗎? Buy the things he can't afford for ya 他能像本鴨一樣 為你買下一切奢飾品嗎? 【Drizzy身家7500萬美元,輕鬆擔負一切商品】 Cause he must have did a lot for ya 他一定為你付出了許多吧? I just fell back with it 我只是做錯了一點點嘛· And now your past is behind you 就這點小事卻在你腦海中揮之不去 Like the car with the strap in it 就像是被槍逼停的車一樣 Thank god that's finished 感謝神一切終於結束了 Cause now it's back to business 現在言歸正傳 Any more henny and you're past the limit 每當你喝多了軒尼詩就無法控制自己【Hennessy是法國著名的白蘭地品牌真的很好喝很刺激強烈推薦呀! 】 You told me about the picture 還記得你給我說過的照片的事嗎? 【照片指的是裸體照片】 Now you have to send it 如今你給我寄去那張裸照【喝多了以後再一次懷疑Drizzy 為了考驗鴨鴨是否對自己忠誠所以寄去了裸照】 I would never put you on blast when I get it 當我收到信件時我也絕不會偷偷拆開【不拆開是為了重新贏得她的信任儘管Drizzy在Marvins Room 中唱到“I think I'm addicted to naked pictures”】 You're my right hand, you're my go to 你就是我的摯愛是我追隨的方向 Told me everything about you 把你的一切都告訴我吧~ That's a bold move 這對你來說可是個勇敢的舉措 I know that you're out here 我知道你就在不遠處等著我 And there's things you gotta go through 你要經受住所有的考驗 Just know that these streets just don't love you like I do 你要明白再無人若我般愛你 And they never will 再也不會有像我這般愛你 You're my right hand, you're my go to 你就是我的摯愛是我追隨的方向 Told me everything about you 把你的一切都告訴我吧~ That's a bold move 這對你來說可是個勇敢的舉措 I know that you're out here 我知道你就在不遠處等著我 And there's things you gotta go through 你要經受住所有的考驗 Just know that these streets just don't love you like I do 你要明白 再無人若我般愛你 And they never will 再也不會有像我這般愛你