- Sting Seven Days 歌詞
- Sting
- Artist: Sting
Album: Ten Summoner's Tales Title: Seven Days By Edison Seven days, was all she wrote 她只寫了“七天”兩個字 A kind of ultimatum note, she gave to me 算是給我下的最後通牒 She gave to me 她給我下的最後通牒 When I thought the field had cleared 當我以為我已經把情場對手都消滅乾淨時 It seems another suit appeared to challenge me 沒想到又出現了一個傢伙來向我下戰書 Woe is me 唉多麼令人傷感啊! Though I hate to make a choice 我真討厭做選擇 My options are decreasing mostly rapidly 但我能選擇的卻又越來越少 Well, we'll see 唉等等看吧 I don't think she'd bluff this time 她這次不像是在嚇唬我 I really have to make her mine 我真的要把她據為己有 It's plain to see, it's him or me 很顯然,不是他,就是我 Monday, I could wait till Tuesday 星期一,我可以拖到星期二再決定 If I make up my mind 如果我下定了決心的話 Wedn'sday would be fine 那星期三是個不錯的日子 Thursday's on my mind 而星期四我仍在猶豫 Friday'd give me time 星期五我還有時間去思考 Saturday could wait 也能再等等到星期六 But Sunday'd be too late 但是拖到星期日就太遲了
事實上,他有六英尺十寸多高 The fact he's over six feet ten 這也許會讓別的男人膽怯 Might instil fear in other men 但我不會被他嚇住 But not in me 我可是個“強壯的跳蚤”! The mighty flea 我捫心自問,自己是膽小如鼠,還是像個真正的男人一樣勇敢 Ask if I am mouse or man 這時鏡子發出吱吱聲,嚇得我趕緊逃掉了 The mirror squeaked, away I ran 天啊,他會在他喝茶的時候殺掉我 He'll murder me in time for his tea 難道我一點都不會為之煩惱嗎? ! Does it bother me at all? 我的對手是個尼安德特人 My rival is Neanderthal 這讓我若有所思
也許我需要喝一杯 It makes me think 這裡不需要智商 Perhaps I need a drink 我們又不是通過玩拼字遊戲的比賽 I.Q. is no problem here 來贏取她的心 We won't be playing Scrabble for 恐怕我需要那瓶啤酒 Her hand, I fear 星期一,我可以拖到星期二再決定 I need that beer 如果我下定了決心的話
那星期三是個不錯的日子 Monday, I could wait till Tuesday 而星期四我仍在猶豫 If I make up my mind 星期五我還有時間去思考 Wedn'sday would be fine 也能再等等到星期六 Thursday's on my mind 但是拖到星期日就太遲了 Friday'd give me time 七天會很快流逝 Saturday could wait 但我深愛她的事實卻會永存 But Sunday'd be too late 七天
我有那麼多出路可走 Seven days will quickly go 但我依然困守於此 The fact remains, I love her so 無法逃脫 Seven days 星期一,我可以拖到星期二再決定 So many ways 如果我下定了決心的話 But I can't run away 那星期三是個不錯的日子 I can't run away 而星期四我仍在猶豫
星期五我還有時間去思考 Monday, I could wait till Tuesday 也能再等等到星期六 If I make up my mind 但是拖到星期日就太遲了 Wedn'sday would be fine 有個故事,我本深藏心底 Thursday's on my mind 自我們邂逅以來 Friday'd give me time 有那麼多個下雨天 Saturday could wait 我們同撐一把足夠大的雨傘 But Sunday'd be too late 但是每次被雨淋濕的 Do I have to tell a story 都是我,都是我…… Of a thousand rainy days Since we first met? It's a big enough umbrella But it's always me that ends up Getting wet. Yeah, Yeah.