- Sam Ock What Have I Done 歌詞
- Sam Ock
哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 我是不是又搞砸了一切 Have I ruined everything again 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 我會否一直這樣下去 Will I make it to the very end 我被粉身碎骨直到死亡 I am crushed to the point of death 逝去的博愛還有否存留 My fading love do I have any left 我能否一直信任你 Will I ever believe in you 完全的愛能否作我的真理 Will perfect love ever be my truth 你會否作我的希望 Will You be my hope 你會否作我的希望 Will You be my hope 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 我是不是又搞砸了一切 Have I ruined everything again 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 我會否一直這樣下去 Will I make it to the very end 把它們趕出我的腦袋 Get em away and out of my head 那些毒舌惡語讓我窒息 The toxic the poison is killing me dead 我燒得透紅,將生活的快樂燃燒殆盡 Im red burned up and burnt out instead of a life of joy 我的腦海就要枯萎 My minds a death bed 許多天都流血而過 Many days Ive bled 我的思想滿是傷痕 My thoughts black and blue 走過了不少路 Ive taken the roads 我到底該怎麼做 What am I supposed to do 當周圍的一切告訴我真理所在 When everything around tells me what is true 我努力了許多遍 But Ive tried it all and 也感不到新生出現 Yet I dont feel new shoot 我無法相信自己的心 I cant trust my own heart 因為它不斷充斥謊言 Cause it keeps feeding me lies 我害怕尋求幫助 Im scared to ask for help 甚至一次嘗試都不敢 And Im scared to even just try 我高舉白旗投降 I raise the white flag high 即使我被斥責,你能否助我反抗 Even if I lash out can You help me fight 當我哭泣,聆聽這絕望的聲音 Hear the desperate whispers as I lay crying 懇求你幫助我用希冀戰勝黑夜 Please help me hope through the night please 我只想用希冀戰勝這黑夜 I want to hope through the night please 而我相信 And I believe 你救贖,你補救 You redeem You restore 你說你愛我若至寶 And You say that Im adored 我無法想像這一切 I could never imagine this 每座堡壘都會倒下 Every castle will fall 我的肉身終將消逝 All my flesh with pass away 會否有份愛像這樣 Is there any love like this 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 我是不是又搞砸了一切 Have I ruined everything again 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 我會否一直這樣下去 Will I make it to the very end 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 我是不是又搞砸了一切 Have I ruined everything again 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 哦主我都做了些什麼 Oh God what have I done 我會否一直這樣下去 Will I make it to the very end