- Sting 50,000 (New Version) 歌詞
- Sting
- Another obituary in the paper today
報紙上又是一則訃告 One more for the list of those who've already fallen 隕落的巨星,名單上又多了一個名字 Another one of our comrades is taken down 又一位老戰友倒下了 Like so many others of our calling 與常人無異,蒙召而去 We tweet our anecdotes, our commentary 我們把它當做奇聞異事,發推特,寫評論 Or we sing his songs in some sad tribute 或者在某個悲傷的追掉會上,吟唱他們的歌 While the tabloids are holding a story of kiss and tell 八卦小報,花邊新聞不斷報導 That he's no longer able to deny or refute 然而,他卻再也無法駁斥,無法辯解
五萬聲音澎湃洶湧,隨他每次歌唱 50, 000 voices rising every time he'd sing 他曾寫下的每個字,在他心間迴響 And every word he ever wrote reflecting back to him 我們演出的體育場,我記憶猶新 How well I remember the stadiums we played 燈光掃過人山人海,我們面前的五萬個靈魂 And the lights sweeping across a sea of 50, 000 souls we'd face 一種無法擺脫的藥物 A serious drug that you could never kick 你不能想像還有什麼能夠替代 Or one that you couldn't imagine you'd ever replace 我們像風箏一樣飛,安非他命做翅膀
貝斯和鼓的律動將我們保全 We flew like kites on the wings of amphetamine 但這一些意義何在 Secured only to a bass line and a snare drum beat 沉思與失敗之中,蘊含更深的哲理 But really what did any of it mean? 五萬聲音山呼海嘯,隨他每次歌唱 When there's a higher philosophy in reflection and defeat 他曾寫下的每個字,在他心間迴響 50, 000 voices rising every time he' d sing 依然堅信那句老話,連你自己都背叛的謊言 And every word he ever wrote reflecting back to him 老炮不死,只是凋零 Still believing that old lie, the one that your own face betrays 反思我自己的過去 Rock Stars don't ever die, they only fade away 困囿於自己的牢籠
今天我感覺好一點 Reflecting now on my own past 儘管浴室的鏡子告訴我,事實並非如此 Inside this prison I've made of myself 壓力化成的皺紋,一隻充血的眼睛 I'm feeling a little better today 形容枯槁,如同鬼魅 Although the bathroom mirror is telling me something else 我的眼鏡盒放在哪兒了? These lines of stress, one bloodshot eye 我耳聾眼花 The unhealthy pallor of a troubled ghost 五萬隻手高舉揮舞,為你,為我 Where did I put my spectacle case? 我們創造著神明,賦予他們永恆與不朽 I'm half blind and as deaf as any post 依然堅信那句老話,你自己都難以堅守的謊言
老炮不死,只是凋零 50, 000 hands are raised to a man that's just like you and me We create the gods we can and gift them immortality Still believing that old lie, the one that your own face betrays Rock Stars don't ever die, they only fade away