- Sting And Yet 歌詞
- Sting
- This town, this stain on the sunrise,
霧氣把污點隱藏 Disguised in the mist this morning, 早上八點,海鷗尖叫著,警報作響
在天空交織,在河灣迴盪 It's 8AM, a seagull shouts a sailor's warning. 漸緩的河水載著我,波浪回捲
我所有的記憶,都隨之消亡 This sky, this bend in the river, 然而,然而...我回來了
鎮子彷彿有種莫名的磁場 Slows down and delivers me, the tide rolls back, 就像腦海中註定的歸航
北天星座為你指引航向 And all my memories fade to black, 也將最終的命運思量
彷彿地下泉水流淌 And yet, and yet...I'm back. 穿行在你的夢鄉
把你的夢放進帆布麻袋 This town has a strange magnetic pull, 便再無一物陪伴身旁
然而,然而...你回來了 Like a homing signal in your skull, 很多個深夜我躺在甲板上凝望
那些迷離的星光 And you sail by the stars of the hemisphere, 星座就像懸掛在
天線和桅杆上 Wondering how in the Hell did ye end up here? 我不知道她是否看到了同樣的景象
亦或把我記在心上 It's like an underground river, or a hidden stream, 她為何要把我記掛心上?
她愛的男孩已葬身海底? That flows through your head, and haunts your dreams, 何必做無謂的爭辯
她是否也像我一樣在等待? And you stuffed those dreams in this canvas sack, 所以你風塵僕僕飄回海港
不過是在燈紅酒綠中迷惘 And there's nothing round here that the wide world lacks, 你不在意船是否已經離港
你不在意睡的是誰的床 And yet, and yet...You're back. 你的頭就像門上的錘子,懸掛在隔離艙
你的下巴就像被打傷 Some nights I'd lie on the deck 玻璃和血跡散在地板上 and I'd stare at the turning of the stars, 你發誓戒酒
然而,然而 Those constellations hanging up 其實要找到她已是奢望 there from the cables and the rigging, 再也不能在花園門口見到心愛的姑娘
我曾依照僕人的建議在此徬徨 I'd wonder if she saw the same, 也許是被拒之門外
我的大腦一片空白 or managed to recall my name, 然而,然而
在日落之前 But why would she ever think of me? 在出海之前
還有別的可以盼望 Some boy she loved who fled to sea? 還有誰會像我一樣
污點隱沒在鎮上的晨光 And why waste time debating
whether she'd be waiting for the likes of me?
So ye drift into port with the scum of the seas,
To the dance halls and the brothels where you took your ease!
And the ship's left the dock but you 're half past caring,
And ye haven't got a clue whose bed you're sharing.
And your head's like a hammer on a bulkhead door,
And it feels like somebody might have broken your jaw,
And there's bloodstains and glass all over the floor,
And ye swear to God ye'll drink no more,
And yet, and yet.
In truth, it's too late to find her,
Too late to remind her at some garden gate,
Where a servant tells me I should wait,
And perhaps a door's slammed in my face,
My head must be in outer space,
And yet, and yet,
Before the sun has set,
Before the sea,
There may be something else that's waiting for,
The likes of me.
This town, this stain on the sunrise...