- Kodaline High Hopes 歌詞
- Kodaline
- Broken bottles in the hotel lobby
酒廳滿地狼藉 Seems to me I can't just scare of ever feeling it again 何止觸目驚心,不曾敢憶起 I know its crazy to believe in silly thing 常人只知此事愚鈍荒唐 It's not that easy 而我知其不易 I remember it now 時下憶起 it takes me back to when it all first started 那年那天那個原點 But I only got myself to blame for it 緣是自己咎由自取 and I accept the now 罪人既成 It's time to let it go go out and start again 困獸當醒 It's not that easy 。 。 。 。 。 。 But I've got high hopes 談何容易 It takes me back to when we started 我熱切期待 High hopes 期待回到相遇那天 When you let it go go out and start again 我是那樣渴慕 High hopes 往事塵封,無人追憶 When it all comes to an end 我的熱度不減 But the world keeps spinning around 天崩地陷 And in my dreams I make the ghosts of all the people 時光不由此停歇 who have come and gone 夢裡的人啊 Memories they seem to show up 化作魑魅魍魎 so quick but they leave you far too soon 往日啊,為何風起雲湧 Now evil is just staring at the barrel of a gun 盯著槍口裡的黑暗 And I do believe in 莫名虔誠 Even I've got high hopes 我依然熱切渴望 It takes me back to when we started 回到相知那天 High hopes 那樣渴慕 When you let it go go out and start again 你早已風輕雲淡 High hopes 我這熾熱的夢啊 When it all comes to an end 好似天旋地轉 Now the world keep spinning 斗轉星移 And the world keep spinning 輪迴不止 High hopes 熾熱的夢啊 It takes me back to when we started 曾讓我以為初心不會變 High hopes 易碎的美好 When you let it go go out and start again 不過鏡花水月 High hopes 曇花一現的美夢 Now the world keep spinning 日子照舊 Yeah this world keep spinning 世界轉個不停 Yeah this world keep spinning 光陰流轉不停 How this world keep spinning 神啊,請告訴我 Around 你有沒有曾想過